car trouble

Oct 24, 2009 14:51

So, here's the deal - moredena's car broke down. It's an electrical problem, which means that it's gonna suck. I want to help, but I got nothing to offer except my paycheck. I can't do art for money until I deal with my backlog, and I am not going to sell plasma again. Made me sick last time. I have kidneys, but ebay has a 'no organ sales' policy. Besides, I smoke, which makes me a bad candidate for black market organ sales.

So I'm gonna swallow my pride and ask for microloans. The idea is that you guys give me small ammounts, 5 or 10 bucks. When I get this sorted out and back on my feet, I'll repay you 6 for every 5. I really hate to ask, but I can't think of anything else.

My paypal is

Thanks guys.
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