It Happened

Nov 15, 2005 19:37

Well, I did it. I left the band. I was just tired of their drama and I wasn't that into the music in the first place. But I'm glad it happened. After I sent them all an email saying I was leaving, Rob contacted me and wanted me to work on his side project with him. We've been doing that for a couple of weeks now and I'm really happy with how things are going. We both flow together well when we play and we've almost got the first demo song done. We also agreed on a band name: Soulshine.

It's kind of flattering, what Rob told me the other night. We were laying down tracks for our first song, Tonight. I wrote the lyrics and came up with the underlying riff and core of the song. Rob fleshed it out, did a solo, and added the drums. I'm going to do the vocals some time this week. But Rob played a mocked up acoustic recording he did for the other guys in Rabid Denial (my former band). Ed, the drummer, was really impressed and he wants me to come back to the band. I really don't want to, though. Rob said Ed might be interested in doing the drums, which I'm cool with, but me and Rob agree that for our next song, Father, we're going to need a pretty phenominal drummer. The riff I came up with for the song is very Tool-esque (ya know the rapid thumping of the bass on Schism? Well, I do that on the guitar repeatedly) and we need a drummer that can do rapid double-bass hits because that's what would really pull it together. But either way, I'm cool if Ed wants to give it a try, but I'm with Rob in what he said when we started this: that we're going to get 5 demos down, then scrutinize the shit out of them and re-record if necessary. Then we'll get the rest of the band (drummer, bass, and maybe a 3rd guitar) and hopefully start lining up some shows or do more recordings. Either way, I'm happy with how Soulshine is forming up. It's definately my kind of music.

I'm also looking forward to November 22nd. Not only is it the release of SOAD's new album, Hypnotize, but it's the release of the Xbox 360. I'm gonna be dumping a nice chunk of change on the system, some accessories, and some games. I've taken 2 days off of work that week, and I have two more off for the holidays, so I've got like a week that I'm dedicating to just bustin' out some good old fashioned console gamage. I can't wait! But first, I must perform the trick of actually getting one. With the shortage rumors going around, I'm a little worried, but I have a good friend that works at Target and he said he'd hide one in the diapers for me. Score!
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