Title: Donglun: A History (part 1)
Fandom: Fahrenheit
Characters: Jiro Wang, Aaron Yan, Calvin Chen, Wu Zun
Pairing: Jiro/Aaron (Donglun)
Genre: General/Romance
Word Count: 1,164
Rating: PG-13ish
Summary: A reflection on Aaron and Jiro's relationship over the past five years. Aaron's process of growing up, Jiro's confusion, and their ambiguity over what they are to each other.
A/N: Uh. Yea. I've been writing this for like, three months on and off lol. One of the hardest things I've ever written and I don't know why - maybe because I have so much I want to include. I was going to post it all in one go but it's too massive so it's split up. The banner matches the story like stripes vs. polka dots. Cool.