Jan 20, 2012 17:13
I have a CLEAN master bedroom closet and I'm starting to work on getting a clean kitchen. My goal is to do laundry once a week and finish the kitchen by the first of March, middle March at the latest. That may sound really slow but so far if I work on things (like laundry) several days out of the week, I wind up spending the next several days recovering. I'm still happy. this beats the last year to year and a half not being able to get anything done. (In proof of that, when I hit the bottom of the closet mess I found a christmas t shirt I wore last year.) getting the kitchen clean also includes the goal of cleaning the litter boxes daily. I did that for almost 30 years until the past 3 or 4 years when I started lapsing into every other day at best. I still cheer for every consecutive day I clean the boxes. I've been here around 3 or 4 years? I don't plan on cleaning off the shelves but I'd like to get the dust off the top of the cabinets and find a place for as much stuff as possible.
I LOVE CELLCEPT! This is the source of the new energy. Its an immune suppressant for people with organ transplants, I want to say it was mostly used for kidney transplants but I may be wrong. Anyway, they found that it also helped Lupus patients - decreases inflamation. It was part of what was keeping me working. When I had to quit work and lost my insurance I had to stop the Cellcept because it was $400 a month. I thought it was worth it but I couldn't afford it. Now its available as a generic for only $120 a month. I'm not sure my budget is going to handle it well but I'm keeping it. Its right up there with Vicodin, prednisone and 'slow my heart rate down' medication for take even if broke and loosing the apartment.