May 28, 2006 14:03
sorrow. and weaping.
me and my baby and a good friend were just watching one of my old dance tapes from my competition years. i love watching old dance tapes! but theres a problem. you see when i was in high school i was pretty fuckin awesome, i was one of the best at my dance studio, and i'm still not afraid to say that. BUT.. since being at college i've been knocked down a few levels, and my ego has shrunk greatly. i sometimes have self esteem issues, and i don't always have the most confidence in myself. when i watch my old dance tapes i feel the same things i did then. i was fierce. so i get cocky when i watch my tapes and i say a lot of things that are probobly rude and very big-headed. it's just nice to remember what it felt like to be untouchable. and i miss that. basicly the people i watched the tapes with were pretty annoyed with me by the end.. and i felt stupid which sucks. sorry guys. it's just nice to remember things like that.
let me also state this: as of right now i am a mad man. i am shaking and i'm nto sure whats going on. last night we went to a nice gathering and got pretty damn retarded. we didn't sleep.. and then i went to wesley's show this morning. i drank a lot of coffee. and i feel CRAZY. my friends are just tierd and grumpy and annoyed at life. i, on the other hand, want to watch more dance tapes and feel good about myself once again.
listen.. this is not a pity party for kyle. i'm just stating some things that i feel, and that others may feel as well sometimes.
what the fuck is going onl;'qmtrw