I'm sitting here and cry because today it's already six months ago.
It's six months ago since my beloved Rocky died in my arms.
I miss him so much. It feels like a part of myself is missing a part of my heart and soul.
In the last 6 months I felt so lonely and lost as never before. I miss him.
I miss him so terrible much that I would sell the rest of my soul just for a few minutes, a kiss, a few words with him.
I miss the endless love he always gave me, the feeling of pure happiness just by touching his fur.
Whenever I see people with their cats I always feel so jealous, somehow lonely and lost,
because I miss this kind of special feeling, the love a cat can give you.
At the same time I feel happy for them because I know it's wonderful.
Now please go hug and kiss your cat or cats and enjoy this moment because
the love of a cat isn't only a special gift it's also one of the most wonderful things on earth.