Time to brush the dust off!

Nov 16, 2013 00:33

It's not a very well kept secret in some circles that about 5 months ago I began working on JipangMUCK, NuJipang, Jipang 3.0, whatever people want to call it. MotM had died down significantly and hadn't shown signs of picking up since and I'd been mulling the idea of making one last game from scratch for a while now. ProtoMUCK tech has come a long ( Read more... )

jipang, new start

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Comments 22

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ichijo_akari November 16 2013, 18:23:31 UTC
A Sina based OC, hm? It sounds like a post on the world map and overview of the interactions of the nations will be a good thing to put on my list then ( ... )


nimriye November 16 2013, 18:30:08 UTC
What aspects of a theme like this appeal to you?
- I think definitely the 'mundane shell with supernatural stuff going on beneath the surface' aspect. The possibility of it becoming sort of a ASOIAF mixed with feudal Asia is pretty interesting to me, so that things are not always resolved with powers or punches, and circumspection becomes a virtue in a way I haven't seen it been on games for a while.
What type(s) of characters would you be most interested in RPing?
- Probably pretty flexible about this, personally. I like both political stuff and punches.
Is there anything you hope the game DOESN'T allow/feature that would make it less appealing for you?- I don't know if there's anything I wouldn't want /allowed/, but I think at this stage I would prefer to de-emphasize the FCs from feature themes. Ideally while feature themes would form the backbone and backdrop of the setting and inform what kinds of char types are possible (youkai from Inu-Yasha, ninjas from Naruto, etc.), it wouldn't be... you know, "a game about the chars from ( ... )


ichijo_akari November 16 2013, 19:33:37 UTC
With regards to things not always being resolved with power or punches, I can say that JipangMUCK is not intended to be a fighting-game MU* even if a lot of its themes and ideas are drawn from both fighting games and animes that involve a lot of combat. The goal is to have have a solid combat system in place for when people want to use it and when it feels appropriate for the context of a scene, but the game itself shouldn't be about the combat nor should RP be a paper-thin excuse to fight just to play with the system ( ... )


nimriye November 16 2013, 19:54:43 UTC
nor should RP be a paper-thin excuse to fight just to play with the system

Yeah. This was sometimes an issue with MotM. I don't think it will be as much of one here, or at least hopefully not!

As for the FC thing, I think de-emphasizing is perhaps a pretty emphatic term, yeah. I think a better one is 'equalizing.' The idea of 'not having to have casts really be populated for things to happen' is the basic thrust behind what I am thinking too. Everyone's char is just that, 'a char,' regardless of FC or OC.

All sounds awesome!!


sklathill November 16 2013, 18:57:47 UTC
Haven't done anything since my clumsy early-2000s RP, don't have time to participate meaningfully in this in any way, but...

Man, I'm super-enthused that you're doing this.

(Hooray for deciding to look around here while waiting for students to not show up for Saturday office hours...)


ichijo_akari November 16 2013, 19:35:09 UTC
Haha, thanks.

I knew there were still some people in this community that are likely long past being involved in the RP scene, and that's fine. To anyone at that point, or just not interested in this game in particular, definitely feel free to drop out of the community to avoid future spam!



sklathill November 16 2013, 19:48:00 UTC
I hope you don't mind if I keep on watching from the sidelines for now. I've been wanting to get back in somehow. Really quite jealous of my girlfriend's current regimen of RP...!


ichijo_akari November 16 2013, 20:02:18 UTC
Definitely don't mind at all!


atrocity November 16 2013, 19:18:27 UTC
I'm way old Pas/Whip from MOTM! Hello again ( ... )


ichijo_akari November 16 2013, 20:00:33 UTC
Pas! <3 ( ... )


sophistre November 16 2013, 20:14:26 UTC
Hello! We met for Korean BBQ during Blizzcon. I sat next to you and got the crazy eyes when you mentioned horror games. I am now also in your WoW guild, so you can track me down there, too -- I will be the baby gnome warlock pretending on the inside to be forsaken as she tries to cap.

I was never on the original Jipang, but everyone I know is hugely enthusiastic about the announced return of the game, so I'm really looking forward to joining them there! Because I wasn't on the first game, my answers to these questions may be less useful/relevant for you, I dunno. I figured I couldn't hurt, though.

- What aspects of a theme like this appeal to you?The politics, first and foremost. This is gonna be a heavy theme in my answers because political maneuvering is my jam; I was a fachead/duchess/head of state and a spymaster/agent of the crown for an extremely cutthroat political game for many years, and it's the part of my RP that I loved most...and also haven't been able to indulge in much since that game closed a few years ago ( ... )


ichijo_akari November 17 2013, 04:12:37 UTC
Oh, hey! Glad to hear from you. We totally need to trade steam IDs at some point. My latest horror-game-adventure is Outlast, which definitely leaves me feeling pretty tense. I can only play it for about an hour at a time. >_And it's okay if you weren't on the original game. All things considered, in order for this game to be successful, it will need to attract a lot of people that were never on the old Jipang, given that most of those players are probably not RPing much anymore, haha ( ... )


sophistre November 17 2013, 20:13:28 UTC
It's a complicated issue. I think what I'll do is shoot you a message (with my steam ID!) about it to avoid spamming this thread with a bunch of game theory/c&p from another game/etc. Maybe in the end it's not what you're shooting for in a game, but it's already cool that you're interested in even asking, so thanks! I'll probably whip the message over to this ichijo_akari LJ account.


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