Dec 21, 2003 05:00
Well I had to stop posting stuff in for awhile. Why? Because someone found this journal? Someone who was quite offended by it. No problem I understand I get some pretty serious secret stuff in here I understand if she hates me now. But no no she decides to send it to Jill. Jill gets all gung-ho about being some warrior of justice. Decides she will email my entire journal to everybody she knows. Atempts to send it to people who live in my area trying to get people to hate me so and so on. Did it work? No, it didn't. Why didn't it? The fact that I don't keep it a secret from many people. Most people know about how I conduct my sex life thus I am not ashamed of what or who I do. Jill also says she is going to make "flyers" to post at the conventions me and her go to (not together). Like there is really going to be anyone who gives 2 cents about what I do when I'm not at conventions. Oh and she's going to get a "group of friends" to come after me or some shit. I really don't know what her problem is. I never once cheated on her while I was in our relationship. Everybody says that I am some filthy pig for what I do. Had sex with 5 girls within a 4 month period. I'm sorry but considering how close I am with 4 of those girls I really don't find it all that "filthy and disgusting". And I ask everyone that reads my journal now to please please give your honest opinion about this. And hell if you feel like it go read her journal too. It's tamajill.