A Happy In My Heart

Feb 24, 2006 13:34

If you want, I'll give you a million reasons why I love today. 
Or, as the Billy Corgan once sang for the Smashing Pumpkins, "Today is the greatest day I've ever known"

Okay, so 'greatest day ever' might be a bit of a stretch, but I just can't help but feel on cloud nine today. I'm in the middle of a great thread at La Bohemia that I just squee with delight whenever I go to post there. It's the highlight of my morning, since Laurie, the one I'm RPing with, is on the west coast and gets online really effing late every night. Yes, this makes me a dork. I don't care, it's fun, dammit. But today I just woke up and felt fantastic. I was looking forward to coming into work this morning, even looking forward to my Senior Seminar class (we're talking about freak shows, which I find interesting on all sorts of levels), and right now I'm nearly shaking with anticipation as I sit through my second shift of the day, knowing that once three o'clock comes around, I'm only a short shuttle bus ride, a car load, a few disgusting dishes, and an hour and a half car ride from Fort Wayne, from my RENT dvd, and from RENT in the dollar theater, plus dinner with my mom and then Dad coming home from Iraq this weekend. Add to that the fact that Transamerica is actually in Muncie (the Showplace 7 Art add-on is doing quite well and has brought all these great movies to Muntucky... I love it!). God, I just can't get today out of my system, even after writing about it for nearly fifteen minutes now.

I get to go see my dog. God, I miss my dog.

Perhaps I've just been particularly stressed out lately, so this trip home will be such a good thing for me. Spring break is just around the corner, and while once again I'm not doing anything spectacular (story of my life), I think it will be a good one. Not a bad outlook for my last spring break ever.

You know, I've never been happier at the prospect of spending a weekend relaxing, enjoying the company of those around me, and just... pausing to exist. Doing nothing out of the ordinary could turn out to be the best thing that's happened to me in awhile... Imagine that, you can have fun on the weekends without getting trashed.

I've got a happy in my heart right now.

I repeat, Transamerica is finally in Muncie. Any of you Muncie kids wanna come see it with me? (I'm talking to you, Ann & Bennicus. And while I'm at it, we must discuss a RENT party soon!)
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