(no subject)

Sep 19, 2005 17:58

Stolen from: discord_n_rhyme
T E L L M E :

The color of most of the clothes you own: I own a lot of black, but I occasionally wear reds and blues.

The number of pillows you sleep with every night: Four or five

What will you be doing in 1 hour: Hopefully eating, I'm hungry.

What room you are in at this very moment: The living room

What you were doing 12 am last night: Sleeping!

How old you will be in 10 years: 17... well, I'll just say 17 since my birthday is in a month.

D E S C R I B E :

What your teeth look like: Caves. No, umm... they look like teeth.

What you're wearing: Sleeping attire... hey I was sick today.

What you think you'll be doing in 10 years: Painting, photographing, drawing, or designing.

D E S C R I B E F O R M E Y O U R :

CD player: Um... it's black... and it plays mp3s. It cost me a lot of money. $90.

Wallet: It's black... but I need a new one.

Alarm clock: It's black with red numbers... I never use it, it's not even plugged it.

Hair: Blondish reddish, supposed to be blonde, but it's not.

Toothbrush: Blue and white.

Computer: Black tower and keyboard, white piece-of-shit monitor.

Bed: Queen size with dark blue comforter that has moons, suns and stars on it.

Notebook: I have more than one, but they are... black, blue, and green.

W H A T C O L O R I S / A R E :

Your nails: Black.

Your eyes: Green.

D O Y O U :

Like riddles: Yes.

Like trampolines: Yes, except when someone else jumps at the same time and you smash into eachother on the bottom.

Burn or tan: Tan.

Wear braces: No.

Check your mail regularly: I check it like once every five minutes.

F I R S T :

Real memory of something: I remember being naked and my dad came and picked me up because the people next door had gave us a bath. Weird, that is a little freaky now that I think of it.

Car: I have never had one, but our first car was a 1988 Jeep Cherokee Loredo, heh:)

Job: Dishwashing

Screen name: SamKOOL7 haha

Piercing/Tattoo: Earlobes.

Independent home: Haven't had one.

Love: None.

Enemy: Hm... The Tooley's.

Big trip: Hm... moving to Florida. Then to Maine.

Play/musical/performance: This little play we did about places around our town in like... 3rd grade. I remember a song we sang too: "Tick tock, tick tock, people work around the clock!"

L A S T :

Cigarette: Never.

Good cry: A few days ago.

Library book checked out: I usually buy my books, but from the school library I checked out Girls in Pants haha.

Movie seen: In theatres: The Exorcism of Emily Rose. At home: Edward Scissorhands.

Book read: Girls in Pants by: Ann Brashares

Time you were sick: Today.

Person you yelled at: Some freshman.

Beverage drank: Water.

Crush: JB

TV show watched: The Real World... pfft I was bored.

Shoes worn: My vans.

CD played: Mixed CD I made yesterday.

Item bought: My beloved TOOL shirt.

Annoyance: People.

Disappointment: Not being able to drive around with my friends.

Soda drank: Diet Wild Cherry Pepsi.

Thing written by hand: A summary about After the First Death by: Robert Cormier.

Key used: My house key.

Word spoken: Loser!

Ice cream eaten: Birthday cake icecream. Yum.

Time showered: Last night.

Time amused: Friday night.

Time wanting to die: Never.

Time in love: Never.

Time hugged: Um... I don't remember.

Time scolded: Everyday.

Time resentful: Today.

Chair sat in: A wooden one, that is at the computer.

Time danced: Umm..... I have no clue.

Poster looked at: My Homies poster, I love to collect those little guys!
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