* Starting Time: 12:44 am
* Name : Samantha
* Nicknames: Sam
* Star sign: Scorpio
* School: Searsport District High School
* Color of eyes: Greenish..?
* Hair color: Blonde... right now anyway.
* Shoe size: 9 1/2 - 10
* Do You Live at Home?: Yes
------------------HAVE YOU EVER------------------
* Missed school because it was raining: No
* Thrown someone in da bonfire?: Nope
* Been in a car accident: Yeah
* Been hurt emotionally: Yes
* Kept a secret from everyone?: Yes
* Cried during a Movie: Yes
* Ever thought an animated character was hot?: Yeah! Trent on Daria haha.
* Been on stage: Umm... maybe.
* Shampoo: Pantene Pro V
* Fav color: Purple/Blue
* Summer/Winter: Fall
* Cartoon Characters: Daria, Chauncey, HIM, Clarence, Jane, Trent, etc.
* Drink: Diet Wild Cherry Pepsi & the Full Throttle Energy Drink
* Food: Chinese & Italian
* Movie: Rocky Horror, Ginger Snaps, Suspiria, Heavenly Creatures, Jackass, Psycho, anything really...
* Ice cream: Cookie dough
* Subject: Art
* Animal: Dogs
---------------RIGHT NOW------------------
* Hair: Blondish, reddish, in a ponytail
* Wearing: a towel *blush*
* Eating: Nothing
* Drinking: Diet Wild Cherry Pepsi
* Thinking: I'm tired
---------------IN THE LAST 24 HRS------------------
* Cried: No
* Met someone new: No
* Cleaned your Room: No
* Been ticked off?: No
---------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN------------------
* Yourself: Not really
* Santa: No, but I wish he were real.:)
* Toothfairy: Nope
* Angels: Maybe...
* Elves: Not really...
* Intelligent life in space: Maybe
* Ghosts: Yes!
--------------FRIENDS AND LIFE----------------
* Do you have a soul mate?: I don't know
* Do you have a boy/girl friend: No, I wish.
* Do you like anyone: Sometimes
* Who have you known the longest: Mandy
* The loudest: Danielle
* The shyest: Ben
* Who has seen you cry: Brittany, Brandi, Ben, Mandy, Jessica, Danielle, Adam, my whole class, my teachers, a lot of people. Eh, the whole class and teacher thing was because someone died - I didn't just cry.
* What is the best feeling in the world?: Peeing when you have to go for a long time. haha, no, uh I don't know!
---------ABOUT GUYS FOR GIRLS TO FILL OUT-----------
* Long or short hair: Longish
* Six pack or muscular arms: Neither...
* Good or bad guy: A little of both
* Hat or No Hat: Any
* Tan or fair: In between...
* Dark or light eyes?: Darker
* Tall or short: Taller than me with big shoes.
* Rugged or sporty: Eh...
* Accent or not: Ohh accent:)
* Immature or mature: In between
* Funny or not funny: Funny
* Cute or sexy: Both
* Boxers or briefs: boxers.
----------ABOUT GIRLS FOR GUYS TO FILL OUT----------
* Painted nails or not:
* Bra or sports bra:
* Cute n' mysterious or wild n' crazy:
* Dressy or casual:
* Dark or blonde hair:
* Dark or light eyes:
* Good or bad girl:
* Intelligent or average:
* Hair up or down:
* Jewelry or none:
* Tall or short:
* Curly or straight hair:
* Pants or dress:
* Tan or fair:
* Freckles or none:
* Accent or Not:
* Shy or outgoing:
* Immature or mature:
* Cute or sexy:
* Boxers or briefs?
* Prep or amish?
* Tomboy or not?
* Musician or model?
* Silver or gold: Silver
* Diamond or pearl: diamond
* Sunset or sunrise: Sunset
* Do you sleep with stuffed animals: No
* Have you ever broken/sprained/fractured: Sprained, fractured
* Do you have any piercings?: Eyebrow, ears, tragus.
* Rain, sun or snow?: Sun
* How is the weather right now?: It's a little cold!
* ending time: 12:57 am