Jun 13, 2004 03:02
geez, i swear i just dont even know what to put in this thing any more.
well today me and james were fighting, which has become almost a ritual.. god i dont even remember what it was about.. probably had something to with me wanting to quit.
its hot
heavy lifting
bitchy old hag
and i dont get to do all the cool kid stuff like last summer
so i want to quit, i mean its not like im not going to get another job, just it will be better.
well back to the story, so we are arguing about it and stuff, and he said something about how i just quit stuff too easy, and that makes me a quitter... * hey i have smoked for 6 years and you dont see me quitting that*
well it pissed me off, so i just got up, and went and started some laundry.... i didnt say anything about it to him, and when he dropped me off, i was like, well im sorry that i dont want to do something that makes me miserable, and it makes me feel bad that whenever krista calls me and wants to hang out that i am too tired to. i want to spend some time with my friends.
and he said that well im going to be tired durring the day and then when i do get up you will be spending all of your time with them and none with me. dont mean to be jelouse but that sucks.
blah blah blah and then i asked if he was mad at me... yeah
i swear if he didnt like working at the lane station i would support him if he wanted to quit i dont see why this is such a big deal to him...
well enough of that
so i am still thinking of hanging up those gross pix of lillie in wal mart... i just dont know yet.. but i am leaning tward yes
ok wel i am sleepy