Jun 08, 2002 13:32
So ya you know how i wrote about a week ago...blah blah blah Im sick... GUess what? im still fricken sick. For those of you thinking maybe I shoudl go to a dr. Been there done that TWICE ( i had strep and now to bronchitis) Enough about my lovely health. So yeah Today was a great day so far (putting aside the fact I cant breathe OR swallow) i had a meeting up at church for summer cirlcle (yey its going to be great) then I drove Zack home. In a little bit I have a 2 grad partie to go to and then another party. All i know tonight is who gives a damn night. Emmy and I have been discovering more and more out about past relationships...GUYS...Grrrrr so her and I have made a decission tonight is Carefree night! You ask what i could possibly be upset about. Well first of all being a good friend to emmy any pain she has I feel as well and let me tell you dude. I really could choke (sp?) a certain someone that screwed her over. Im still tempted to get ahold of him and let him and his friends know how horrible they are to others feelings BUT i decided to say forget it thats only giving them more attention. Another note...Zack and I have been hanging out (well talking and such a few times) BUT i still have a feeling he is hiding something from me. If there is a problem with him, family... I want to help him. I personally have a feeling its about a girl situation WHICH i would be the last to know. I dont know its just realy tough to go from talking to someone for about 6 hrs a day and seeing them EVERY min all the way to maybe a hello on occassion. grrrrrr Its ok him and I both know its for the better but I wonder if he is going through any of these feelings I am? Who knows... WEll its now nap time b4 my crazy party day begins.
PS Congrats to Dave,Rach, Chris,Jamie... who ever else I missed that graduated :)