Nov 12, 2007 19:53
I suppose there's lots of things to update on, but strangely nothing seems significant enough to write about?
At the start/end of last month I had awesome funs in and around Birmingham - I do miss everyone and its weird that I've ended up back in Carlisle and everyone else is off elsewhere - they say you make your best friends in college, total lie - Made mine in High school/A-levels time. Tho i suppose the proverbial best friends in college line only applies to the majority that fake their identity threw High School and their first chance to be real people is in College... anyways. It was good to see everyone again. and propose in the future we all just get a house together god knows we'll save a hell of a lot on travel. - and the combined DVD and computer Network would be unrivaled across all the lands!
Luci came back this week gone and we went to the wheel on Wednesday and everyone has been saying the wheel is shit now... but I have to say Fuck Off it was just like old times, lots of fun had and talked to random people etc like the old days. Me, Luci and Jen did good. then i was at work at 9 and took over the Cinema - I was concessions, box office and floor staff and then the manager left for an hour and i was the only worker in the cinema - which was confusing when a guy came to deliver us Beowolf.
Work is getting tiring, I've nothing against the job its enjoyable enough for what it is but working full time seemingly leaves so little time for myself, today was my day off and i went into work to watch Elizabeth with Jen then came home and my day feels so wasted. I had some fantastic Ideas for story's things for new stuff and even interesting things for old ideas - but by the time i got home i just couldn't face doing anything. in fact i better write the ideas down at least so i don't forget them. The fact that I'm working so much at the moment feels in vain since I don't get paid till the end of the month and the cut off date being the 15th means I work for two weeks before i get paid and not get paid for them for another 6 weeks. I guess when i have some money i may feel better about it all?
I feel good about my body its heading in a positive direction ive lost weight (which i account almost entirely to walking to and from work every shift, so thats a 4 mile work 5 times a week, and then standing around and running up and down 70 steps several times an hour helps too), Ive got muscle and definition back in my legs and then some, and my arms are starting to get back to being how i want them, and i think I've lost most of the weight i put on while i was at uni - hopefully i can shed those couple of extra pounds and tone up in time for L3 and then be even better for Christmas/New Year. I should have done some proper exercise today but I'm just REALLY tired and would honestly happily snuggle in bed with a large chocolate bar. Maybe I'll have an early night and make up for it by getting up earlier and doing something before i go to work.
I need to do my UCAS but again i really can not be bothered, I'm gonna mark it as a Job for Wednesday.
I'm planning on doing one day a week with a production company in Carlisle but so far I've just been far too tired to even consider giving up one of my two days off a week. But i think I'll try starting that next week give them a call up on Thursday and find out the plan. I also plan to learn to drive using my end of December paycheck's to start off the lessons.
Love life isn't even at intrigue level - theres no suiters on any level anywhere, no one interested, no mild flirtations, no fantasizes, just nothing. Which might be accounting to the wanting to snuggle with Chocolate but its never been an issue for me before so its doubtful its the case now.