Naked men running through the forest

Aug 20, 2008 17:50

Marry me?
Originally uploaded by JunxsSo I'm trying this new way of posting which is shoving a flickr pic in the corner. Shameless advertising? What am I advertising? That I can't put eyeshadow on properly, that's what!
So it's now day 3 of classes and I am fucking tired. I missed my first class on Monday (Intro to Nutrition) due to...technical difficulties? I also don't like waking up at 5:30 AM. Really what was I thinking.
Ok so let's go down the list.

Intro to Nutrition - I really dig this class, the freaking room is so vintage like. I feel like I should be in a 50's type outfit instead I look like I just fell out of the dryer. But at 6 AM you don't always make the best fashion choices. I'm loving that the teachers name is Bacon. It makes me giggle.

Music Appreciation - THIS CLASS IS SUPPOSED TO BE EASY?! you fucking liars. I mean... well. Majority of the time I have no idea what the guy is talking about. I have notes of things I don't even get. The teacher though, he's pretty awesome in a nerdy sorta way. He's like... very into what he's teaching but he seems so anxious/nervous/jumpy/nerdy. I have to go listen to music for an hr every week for this class $5 says I'm still going to forget to do it. Our first in class thing was listening to the pieces of music and what we thought about them/mood/spirit, all I kept thinking is "this makes me think of a naked man running through the forest". Yea okay.

Math - Shit got fucked up and I'm not taking it AGAIN this semester.

English - OMFG. First day and I'm already stressing this class. Essays are a big part of this class and essays are my enemy. I've gotten one B before on an essay other than that I usually squeak by with a C. -.- AND the teacher holy shit he's like 7ft tall! and he like kept putting his leg up on the front desk/table and it just grossed me out cause I just kept imagining him in like short shorts balls a hanging. I'm a horrible person I know but COME ON.
Luckily the rest of the week should be pretty smooth sailing.

college, class, ccsf, english, eye shadow

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