Live forever, never die

Jan 20, 2009 08:53

Day 195: Shoot him up when he's dead
Originally uploaded by JunxsThe cats are trying to drink my chocolate milk and I'm imagining walking in on them when I get back home, stiff as boards. I took the milk away from them before they drank so shush. I could use one less cat though I'm just saying. I'm a terrible pet owner.

Yesterday morning was so terrible I don't even understand why. I'm confused to even what sparked my outburst. Outburst meaning me crying so hard people turned to look. I ruined breakfast. I thank everyone who tried to cheer me up, it worked I feel a lot better.

I have the problem of feeling I must be able to finish EVERYTHING and instantly too, of course. So what happens when you can't? "Gaahhh you're fucking stupid. What's wrong with you?" It's silly. I'm stopping it, it's tiring.

In other news I'm a lil bummed that this one chick I used to watch on Flickr has basically left it. Yea I'm soo stalking her. She had such totally inspiring pictures that always looked like she just took them in like a "oh that's neat" *click* moment. Yea there's tons of other nifty people on Flickr but it's still a bummer to me. RIP :c

Did I mention I got a tattoo? Yea I did. Ok then. Not much to tell. I was feeling better in the afternoon and I was dropped off on Telegraph saying I was going to buy a few things and then I remembered the tattoo place close by so off I went. I didn't actually expect them to say "oh yea sure we can do that now" but they could so I did and it hurt. Dude was very polite, he had to be I mean he saw part of my boobage. I felt a little bad that I laughed at the poor 11 year old girl getting her nose pierced who screamed and cried. Maybe I'm becoming old fashioned but I think 11 might be a bit to young to get anything pierced besides your ears. Now where is my walker with the tennis balls on the bottoms so I can glide by easier. I also require a panama hat.

I should totally give up school and be some shitty (meant in loving terms) little indie bands photographer. "You don't have to pay me nothin just buy me some food and let me sleep in your van." There's this photography school that peaked my interest Hallmark. But it's in Massachusetts and I'm poor and I think I would miss everyone waaay too much. Alone in the cold of Massachusetts. (That is a terribly hard state to spell, i got a case of the stutters!) I regret not taking a photography class this semester, I really should've. Perhaps in the summer/fall.

Today will be bright.

i will live in a van, awake, tattoo, flickr, photography, upset, happy

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