Well, am here again, to post a song by a Taiwanese band by the name of Mayday! (:
It's well, in Chinese, but I tried to translate it.
The song of laughter and forgetting*
屋頂的天空是我們的 放學後夕陽也都會是我們的
The sky over the roof is ours, The sunset after-school will also be ours
We won't admire others anymore
唱一首屬於我們的歌 讓我們的傷都慢慢慢的癒合
Let our scars heal slowly as we sing our song,
and tomorrow, I will feel brand-new
青春是手牽手坐上了 都不回頭的火車
Youth is getting on a never-returning train, hand-in-hand
總有一天我們都老了 不會遺憾就OK了
We will turn old someday, but it's OK as long as we do not regret
傷心的都忘記了 只記得這首笑忘歌
We'll forget all the unhappiness, and only remember this song**
那一年天空很高風很清澈 從頭到腳趾都快樂
The sky was tall and wind was strong, happiness flowed from top to toe
我和你都約好了 要再唱這首笑忘歌
we made a promise, we will sing this song** again
這一生只願只要平凡快樂 誰說這樣不偉大呢
We'd only wish to live normally and happily, who said this isn't great
自己和自己打一架了 想都想不通反正就是這樣了
I fought with myself, but I still could not understand, oh whatever
I won't cry anymore
有多少錯誤重蹈覆轍 有多少苦痛還不是都過來了
All the mistakes repeated, All the hard times we went through
We'll smile when we think of those times
青春是人生的實驗課 錯也錯得很值得
Youth is the experimental lesson of life, it's worth it even when it goes wrong
就算某天唱起這首歌 眼框會有一點溼熱
Someday when we sing this song again, our eyes will tear.
笑忘歌 - 五月天 *It literally means laughing and forgetting, which means to put the unhappiness behind by forgetting it.
**The song means The song of laughter and forgetting