The Mystery Link Meme

Mar 11, 2007 06:41

This is how the Mystery Link works. Choose a link to something.somewhere that  you enjoy and that you think more people should know about it and post it. Be sure not to tell anyone what it is or anything about it. If you're feeling adventurous then take a chance and click away.

If you click on the mystery link, you're it. You must then copy this message to your own journal with your own mystery link for people to go to listed under this one. Once the list gets to ten links, it resets back to zero and goes on to gather another ten and so on. To keep the mystery a mystery don't list who you got this from or where the links go. This is a meme for the brave. Or the very bored.

((And it is cheating to look at where the links go, either click it blind or don't click it all. It's the not knowing that makes it fun!))

Previous links:

Click it and see where it goes.

Click it and see where it goes.

Click it and see where it goes.

My Mystery Link:

Click it and see where it goes.


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