So I have been hearing about the Diva Cup, and similar cups, for a long time and for some reason I have been avoiding it. For those of you who are not in the loop, the Diva Cup is a small silicone cup that fits inside of the vagina and collects menstrual blood. A few times a day you dump the contents, rinse out the inside, and reinsert. My first reaction to this process was that it sounded like an icky, messy, process. Also, for some reason I was concerned about what other people might think. Silly, right?
A few days ago I was discussing going to India and being concerned about where to find tampons while I was abroad. Someone recommended the Diva Cup. I considered it for a moment but mostly shrugged it off. A few days later it came up in a book that I'm reading about women traveling in India. Well, damn. So I wandered over to their
website and started reading. I was finding a lot of information about saving money (which was appealing) but also a lot of information about being green. No cutting down trees to make my tampons, no making toilet paper to wrap them up when they're used, and no space in the landfill.
That all sounds good to me, so I went and got one at Community Pharmacy. It felt like sort of a lot of money (just under 40 bucks) but I spend so much money on tampons anyway, it's definitely saving money in the long run. I haven't needed to use it yet but I'm a little nervous about it, but also strangely excited. I "tried it on" and I was a little surprised how much I could feel it. Hopefully it's something I'll get used to and forget about once I've used it for a few days.