Proceed for information on how to become a member of this community and gain
access to all of the posts here.
Joining up is easy enough. Simply read this post and once you're sure you understand it
post your reply stating your age and that you understand the rules that govern this community.
Now for the not so much fun part of this post; the rules.
#1 Respect will be maintained here at all times. If you have a conflict with someone take it OFF-community and handle it there. The only exception to this rule is if someone has violated a
work belonging to you and has posted it here without your permission. Please note that co-creations must have the approval of all involved parties where possible prior to being posted here.
#2: We're a freedom of expression zone so we have only one rule as to what content is allowed here. NO PROJECTS FEATURING OR IMPLYING MINORS ENGAGING IN SEXUAL, ILLEGAL, OR PORTRAYED IN THE NUDE, FRONTAL OR REAR, ARE ALLOWED HERE. Aside from this rule there are no restrictions on content so you could see anything here.
#3: Please follow the wishes of the artists and don't steal their work and use it for your own projects without permission. Violating this rule will get you banned without warning if the moderators find that you have knowingly used stolen work and have passed it off as your own.
#4: Please try to post feedback to entries that you've enjoyed. The encouragement will keep the artists producing work for you to enjoy.
#5: If an entry is member-locked DO NOT SHARE THE LINKS OR CONTENT with any other journal or community. Recs for protected content may be directed to the community itself and they will have to join to the view content for themselves. Freely viewable work may be linked to the post directly.
#6: Violation of any of these rules will bring your case to the attention of the staff and if a majority of ourstaff finds that action is warranted; you may find yourself banned, placed on moderated posting, or other suitable punishment without notice. If your case is severe or you are a detriment to the community you will be removed and banned permanently. Permanent bannings may NOT be appealed.
If you've read and understand these rules and your responsibilities, post a reply with your age (Only 18+ LJ users will be approved.) and a statement that you have read and understand the rules.
If you fail to follow the proceedures you'll be contacted and the information requested above will be requested again. We'll only do this once and if we receive no answer your request will go into Limbo until we do.
By necessity only those who have joined LJ are eligable to become members. Anonymous users and those without journals are encouraged to get one prior to reading this.
Returning friends and those known personally to the maintainers of this community may bypass this formality
by joining the community directly as we're well aware of your ages already =). Welcome!