As I was moving my work to the new archive named after this community; I was rather surprised to see that it took five pages; of approximately twenty images each; to house them all.
As that would be rather a lot to post all at once, I've decided that it would be easiest to provide a link to the gallery library instead. Look at your leisure and feel free to comment in this post as to what you see.
I'm going to start this community out by posting new works instead of old ones so take the cut for the link and some new art and a small opinion poll.
First the link to the library gallery of my older images:
There you'll find the sum total of all my art to date, the good, the bad, the ugly lol it's all there. It should be easier for your to navigate the images there as each is thumbnailed and linked to the full-sized image. Take your time exploring and I'd love to know what you think.
Some of the images are available for use as story splashes, layouts, or WPs so if you see something that you like drop me a line here with the image name and ask. I'm generally pretty easy about things like that and almost always say yes =)
Now on the new art/ mini-poll
These are from an idea new to my To-Do list and here is the concept art for a 'Story Poster' sort of 'Coming Attraction' type set-up I'm planning to post to my story journal and website. What I need to know is which of the images do you like the best?
**Warning these may take some time to load fully as they're fairly sizeable images. If you're impatient lol each picture is also linked off journal to an alternate viewing source.**
For those that just want a look at the art itself here you go. Smalll size first.
Large detail size
For those story minded amongst you A Sin of Omission will address a topic not covered very much by the fandom to date, the true history of the Aurelius Order and the mysterious origins of its founder.
I may put the outline for this story up in my story journal at
jinxeffect; I haven't decided yet 0_o
but you're welcome to ask me questions about the project and I'll answer them.
Tune in for the post following this one for some other new and recent work.