Le PImp: Dotor Who Drabblethon!

Jan 10, 2008 00:20

parrotfish is running a Doctor Who Companion Mash-up Drabblethon over on loves_them_all, at the moment. You know the kind of thing, lots of people contribute prompts, others write drabbles - the threads grows longer...and longer....

Every Companion is welcomed (but Doctors need not apply ;-))

Come and join in, lots of fun!

Edited: [Snorts] just corrected a typo; instead of loves_them_all, I wrote loves_the_mall... Should I get myself a valley accent....

Barbara/Romana/Objects in Motion for doyle_sb4

The giant flower seeds drifted, a pale lavender, fluffed out like dandelions. Barbara sighed. “This is a strange world,” she said. “All so different, so alien; I’m not sure if I could stand living here, even if I had no choice.”

Romana grinned and sat, neatly laying out her skirt on the silvered foliage. “Not so difficult, really, one only needs to remember one thing.”

“And what is that?”

“That this is no different from a meadow in England…” she paused, and gently picked a seed from the air. “In the end, after all, we are mere objects in motion.”

Jack/Romana II/clockwork robots for doyle_sb4

Jack eyed the mess of clockwork parts piled onto Romana’s lap. “You’re sure this will work?”

Romana sighed wearily. “Of course I am,” she said. “It won’t be pretty, but it will be up to the task.”

The thumping on the jammed metal doors grew louder, more insistent, and Jack began to feel worried. “Fred,” he said. “They’re nearly through.”

“Jack, I know what I'm doing.”

His eyes became suddenly speculative, his mind veering off into a more pleasant direction. “Yeah, gotta say, all that experience…”

The clockwork head moved, and spoke. “Stop that.”

Jack sighed. “Did you have to give it the Doctor’s personality, again?”

Jack/Jaime/alien sporting match for parrotfish

The crowd cheered wildly, but Jamie ignored them, his mind, for once, fully centred on only one subject; the boxing ring below them.

“Oy, Jack! Jack? Come up for air, ya bampot!” But Jack, the numpty, was too busy celebrating the last ‘point’ with his brand new friend, the vaguely humanoid alien from the row in front of them.

Jamie frowned at the two combatants in the ring, turning his head to the side to see if a different angle would help him figure it out. Was it some kind of wrestling, or….

And then, it clicked.


He blushed.

fanfiction, doctor who, drabbles

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