LiveJournal auto-post

Aug 29, 2007 16:31

Gacked from jedibuttercup, silliness provided by the livejournal autopost!

Quote: The kiss started out slow and unsure, and he cupped her face as she promised him death; but he quickly shook his head, and tried to blink back the tears that suddenly blurred her eyes. “How did we get here? Was it you?”

“Why is it that everyone always assumes it’s my fault?” he asked rhetorically.

“Oh, I don’t know, maybe it’s because one moment I’m in Los Angelus, and the next I’m in the middle of a domestic.

Whether you’re for the war or against it, I think we can all agree that there is nothing worse than a society that just can’t summon the energy to think at all. This piece was written after going to an anti-iraq war protest, so this is the first completed drabble (that dribbled into a ficlet) for my ‘Doctor Who Crossovers Drabble Meme’ and it was hard to keep a secret for any length of time.

At last, Serenity’s hull came into view, and she breathed a sigh of relief as he noticed River had ducked into the undergrowth, making herself a less appealing target. “We’d better move,” he said. “Someone will come to investigate soon-”

Heavy gunfire bellowed in the distance, and Zoe shot to her feet. "It would be just the kind of slimy trick a guy like him would try! Especially as we all know that Tara is probably the only real reason Willow has kept on the straight and narrow…no offence to Dawn and her broken arm," she added lamely

The Doctor raised an eyebrow. “An old lover of yours?” the Companion asked.

Methos couldn’t help himself; he let out of bark of laughter. “Well, technically, yes, I suppose, but that’s not why it’s complicated,” he admitted, pausing as he felt himself slip away. He felt hands catching him, trying to ease his fall, and a voice calling him, as if from a great distance. “Caruthers, hold on, damn you, you’re not dying on my watch.”


Zoe felt something inside her go cold as she felt a soft breath fall against her cheek. “Come here often?” she asked lightly, as she tensed to run.

“First time,” the stranger said, grinning widely as he waggled a pepper shaker under Jack's nose. "This is a Dalek, and this is you--"

"Who the hell are you?" Jack interrupted flatly.

The stranger gave him a dark look. “He’s my Captain, I’m his first mate. That’s how it works,” she said slowly, as if to a child, and Methos felt a brief spurt of irritation.

“Maybe you should give this a bit more thought-”

“And maybe you should mind your own gorram business,” she snapped, standing abruptly. “You’re a passenger, Caruthers; and not a very welcome one at that. This ain’t none of your business!”

“Zoe, everything all right there?” the Captain asked warily as he stood.

“Just Dandy,” Zoe snapped, before taking a deep breath. “I’ll give Amy a call.”

Tara frowned. “What if she suspects something?” she asked.

“She won’t,” Willow muttered. “She doesn’t believe I can beat this; she told me as much when she was here. All I need to do is listen."

"And if I don't?"

Carefully, the Doctor laid the sachet on the table, then slammed the pepper shaker down on it. The restaurant hushed, and Jack winced as he watched the ketchup leak all over the tablecloth. "That answer your question?" the Doctor asked

"Couldn't you have picked a less messy way of making your point," Jack complained.

"I believe in coming straight to the point," the Doctor said. “And we lost our pilot in the process. Miranda wasn’t enough, we need to do something now, before we’re not able to anymore.”

Martha frowned at him. “Okay, spit it out” she said, pulling him to a halt outside the control room doors. “What is it you’re not saying?”

“The TARDIS runs this ship, she translates our words, she meets our every need,” the Doctor blurted out reluctantly, a tinge of embarrassment showing in his voice. “She’s in our head. It’s only a matter of time before it begins to filter through.”

“Oh,” Martha said; then the words sank in. “Oooooh!”

“Exactly,” the Doctor said. “And we don’t want that to happen, do we?” Martha felt a blush rise to her cheeks. Which was silly, because she never blushed.

“What would be the first symptoms?” she asked.

The Doctor blinked. “Don’t think about it,” he advised, as he half pushed her through the doors. Zoe squinted against the blazing sun as they made their way to the kitchen counter.

“Oh, I don’t know,” Methos said tersely. “I thought you’d already realised that.”

Jack studied his face as his mind stretched back to the TARDIS soon, or the Doctor might get it into his head to do another disappearing act.

“Please, you have to watch out for, crafty little buggers!”

Quickly, they slammed through the double doors, and Martha breathed a sigh of relief. Mal stood on the ramp, trying to look casual, but she guessed he’d probably stood there since he’d arrived back, clucking like an anxious hen as he waited for them. She hid a grin as she climbed the ramp. “Captain,” she said, coming to a halt.

Mal sighed. “This really is a da xiang bao zha shi de la du zi, ain’t it?” he said.

“What went wrong?”

“The Alliance got here first,” he said. “We’ve got a bounty on our heads, and Patience was looking to collect.”

Zoe nodded, she’d figured as much. “Where to next?” she asked, frowning as Caruthers stepped up beside her.

“Don’t rightly know,” he admitted. “We’re fresh out of options.”

“Maybe you should head for the core,” Caruthers suggested. “More bodies to hide amongst.”

“Yeah, you would know all about that,” Zoe said dryly.

Mal gave her a long look, then sighed. “Yeah, that pretty much sums her up,” he said mockingly. “She also doesn’t like me much, as Joe probably already told you, so avoid any strange brunette immortals you stumble across, in the near future. I don’t think she’s capable of murder.”

“I wouldn’t be so sure of that,” Willow said lowly. “Rack has got her pretty hooked…she was just here, trying to convince me to go with her to his place. I think he’s pressurising her…he likes me,” she added, with a shiver.

“Does he, indeed?” the Doctor said, a goofy grin suddenly lighting up his face. “We barely got out the last time. Gently, he tipped her chin up until her eyes met hers. “No, no talking,” he said simply, dipping his head. “I think this needs a demonstration.”

The kiss started out slow and unsure, and he cupped her face as she promised him death; but he quickly shook his head, and tried to blink back the tears that suddenly blurred her eyes. “How did we get here? Was it you?”

“Why is it that everyone always assumes it’s my fault?” he asked rhetorically.

“Oh, I don’t know, maybe it’s because one moment I’m in Los Angelus, and the next I’m in the middle of a domestic.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.


Can't breathe...can't breathe....


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