DW/POC Crossover Ficlet: A Compass to Guide You By | PG | Jack Harkness, Jack Sparrow

Jun 15, 2007 01:12

Okay, this is the first completed drabble (that dribbled into a ficlet) for my ‘Doctor Who Crossovers Drabble Meme’ and it was requested by snowgrouse, who asked for Captain Jack/Captain Jack Sparrow, if at all possible - I’m not sure if this is completely successful, I like my wee mini-plot, but I’m not familiar enough with Sparrow (still haven’t seen POC3) to know if I’ve got him quite right…

…still, I had a stab at it….

Title: A Compass to Guide You By
Author: jinxed_wood
Rating: A safe PG
Fandoms: Doctor Who/ Pirates of the Caribbean
Characters: Jack Harkness, Jack Sparrow
Wordcount: 280
Disclaimer: Neither of the Jacks are mine, don’t know where they are, don’t know where they’ve been…pay no attention to the gagged cries for help coming from the chest in the corner…

A Compass to Guide You By.

“So, I hear you’re looking for crew” Jack peered at the manicured, uncalloused hands that suddenly appeared on either side of his tankard, and followed them up. A set of gleaming white teeth flashed a smile at him, showing dimples in a square jawed face.

“Your hands are too pretty for the deck,” Jack eventually muttered, “’Sides, I ain’t hiring”

“Oh, you’re hiring me, Jack,” the stranger said confidently, as he slid onto the bench beside him. “You know why?” His voice dropped to a whisper. “I know what your heart desires.”

Jack smirked, not letting the tiny little lurch in his chest show on his face. “Not lookin’ for a cabin boy,” he said, as his fingers curled around the compass in his pocket. “’And all my heart’s desires are locked up tight. Bugger off, there’s a good lad, 'fore I get nasty.”

The stranger sighed. “You know, I was just trying to make things easy for you,” he said, in that strange drawl that Jack couldn’t quite pinpoint. “But I suppose you’ll find me easily enough, when you have to.”

The stranger stood, and Jack felt a vague moment of disappointment as he began to walk away. For some strange reason, he’s expected…more. “Oy,” he called out “What’s yer name?”

“The stranger flashed yet another irritatingly bright grin. “Harkness, Captain Jack Harkness,” he said, before turning on his well heeled boots. “Oh, and don’t take too long, will you, or you’ll never catch up,” he added over his shoulder, as he reached the door. “Trust me on that.”

With trembling fingers, Jack pulled out the compass and flicked it open. “Bugger,” he said, scrambling to his feet. “Oy! Wait for me!”

fanfiction, first meetings, doctor who, meme, poc, dw_fic

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