Take THAT, utility bill!

Mar 28, 2012 09:46

Like most people who have a life, a lot of my bills are 'estimated' due to the fact that I'm never in when they call to read the meter. I keep meaning to phone it in, but I'm a bit scatter brained that way.

Anyway, my electricity provider phoned me yesterday (I should have never given them my mobile number) saying my bill was overdue for about 2 seconds and I haven't had a meter reading in forever, in that slightly accusing voice that infers I probably owe them more.

So, later, I gave them my meter reading and....

I officially love that little voice my electricity provider gets when they realise it's actually they who owe me money.

Also, I now officially have enough spare cash for Ryanair tickets to Rome at the end of May. I have never been before and I REALLY want to go, especially before the end of May, so I can go on the Sistine Chapel at night tour.
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