Does anybody else remember these books?

Jan 23, 2011 01:40

There was a book meme going around about childhood favourites that started me thinking about my own. There was one series of books about four kids that cobble together a spaceship, run away from boarding school on terrible old Earth, and go off on a high adventure to find their parents on a colonised planet... yeah, I can hear you judging me from all the way over here. In my defense, I was 8 to 12 when I read the books, and one of the characters was Irish. Do you know how rare that was, back in the day?

The thing is, I have a terrible memory for book titles...especially since it's been about thirty years since I've read the books (old, I tell you, OLD) but the internet can be a wonderful thing, and I eventually tracked down the book series.

Ladies and gents, I present to you - Nicholas Fisk's Starstormers.

There are five books in total, but I've only read the first three, because I moved from Kerry to Dublin during that time and, quite frankly, my school library in Dublin was lot more 'mainstream' than the one I'd left behind. Woe is me. Now, however, I'm seriously thinking about tracking them down :-P
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