Reaction post - Doctor Who: 5X08

May 22, 2010 20:15

The Doctor: Behold -RIO!

Uh, not so much :-P But there's funny grass. Lots of funny blue grass. And the ground feels funny, too. That's enough for the doctor, natch.

Future Rory and Amy waving from the distance - too funny! I love these little details. Not sure if it's a throwaway, or somehow SIGNIFICANT!

The Doctor: Oh look, a big mining thing. I love a big mining thing. Way better than Rio. Rio doesn't have a big mining thing.

Love how Rory gets co-opted to investigate the graves.

And the Doctor indulging in a bit of breaking and entering.

And we meet Nasreen - I l♥ve Nasreen. Didn't catch the other bloke's name, although I think he's an Irish actor, as his face is VERY familiar.

The Doctor: The ground is attacking us. Under the circumstances, I'd suggest - run! Ah yes, the classics :-P

Oh noes! AMY!

And over to Rory - and may I say, that mini-Sherlock Eliot is wonderfully serious about figuring out what happened to the bodies.

And back to the mine - the Doctor: Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense, you're just not keeping up. Glad to see your ego is still intact, Doctor :P)

Also ,love how the Doctor seems to be counting his fingers, when he decides it'll take 12 minutes for the bad guys to arrive.

And they're all trapped beneath a shield! These bad guys seem remarkably prepared for Doctor Who baddies

Doctor/Rory moment: I need you alongside me - awesome!

Ah, the moment when the Doctor asks Ambrose 'nicely' to put the weapons away - that was a bloody menacing smile!

The sky goes dark - they're here!

And the sonic screwdriver still doesn't do wood - much love!

Rory still acts like a medical professional, asking if anyone was hurt.

And the dawning realisation on the Doctor's face, as they notice Eliot is missing. This seems to be the Doctor's greatest weaknesss, he gets so wrapped up in the big problem, he misses details or other people's distress doesn't register.

Heat sensitive glasses - cool! And Team!Doctor!Rory. One captured bad guy, served cold.

And yay, Amy's awake and alive! Did you just shush me

And it's a Silurian! Yay! The prosthetics have definitely have had an upgrade since I've last seen them, back in Five's era.

And Nasreen claps at the end of the Doctor's 'nobody dies' speech, and then cadges a ride on the TARDIS to the center of the Earth - and pings the Doctor's braces, just for the hell of it.

Yikes! Amy's prospects don't look good. I actually find this stuff vaguely unsettling. Needless to say, medical procedurals are not my thing!

The Doctor thinking it was a small tribe, less than a dozen, and then:Maybe more than a dozen, maybe more like an entire civilisation, living underneath the earth.

What? WHAT? To be continued? Ack!

doctor who, fangirl

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