Wasn't this episode fantastic? Please tell me I'm not alone in thinking this? I know that River is a big love/hate character in the fandom, but she gave me so many squee worthy moments, I'll forgive any amount of Mary Sueness. From her first appearance, right up to the cliffhanger, it was BRILLIANT! (But, damn it, I didn't realise it was a two parter. I have to wait for a whole week before I know what happens?)
I realise that a lot of people will think River's character is too much, but it's one of things I really like about her. She is just so sure of herself.
Also, after the watching the hand-turned-into-stone scene between Amy and the Doctor, I have, finally, fallen in love with adult!Amy. Go team TARDIS, you're epic!
ETA: And they name checked Virginia Woolf, one of my all time favourite authors. Instant win! (And fic? *Looks around hopefully* Any takers?)