
Nov 17, 2009 23:52

natural20 posted a link yesterday to the first chapter of Jimmy Nexus's novel, Game Night, over on ENworld! Apparently, he intends to post the entire book over there, one chapter per week. Of course, I was about half way through the chapter when I sussed out the author's diabolical plan - he suckers you in with the opening scene, and compels you to buy the bloody book because you can't wait a whole week to read the next chapter - evil, I say, evil :-P

And like every other fandom loving/writing geek out there, I got myself an account at An Archive of Our Own. My profile is here,and I'm slowly uploading my fic - thank you kerravonsen for sending me the invite! [Squishes]

Which reminds me, Merlin fic rec!

Any of netgirl_y2k's Merlin fic is worth checking out; she writes it light and funny, and perfectly in character, and knows how to add an element of darkness when she has to - I'm picking one of her genfics, because it made me laugh out loud: A Cautionary Tale About Tomatoes (and Zombies) - and really, doesn't the title say it all?

And my inevitable Doctor Who [non spoilery] comment about Water on Mars: yes, I enjoyed it, yes, I found the Doctor's actions believable, and yes, I was pleasantly surprised that RTD went there. We may have the Valeyard yet.

original fiction, doctor who, recs, merlin

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