I think I may have a plotbunny infestation....

Oct 03, 2009 21:59

My Highlander ficathon fic is now posted over on hl_flashfic. It's called A Little Like Fate, and it's a 'gen' Rebecca fic (historical).

I seem to have got my writing groove back on. In addition to my new In Plain Sight stuff, and my hlh_shortcuts sign up, I'm seriously considering writing a story for the dw_femslash ficathon...

Somebody stop me now.

doctor who, ficathon, writing, in plain sight, highlander

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persiflage_1 October 4 2009, 04:20:12 UTC
*leaves a big heap of juicy fat carrots lying around*

I've not decided about doing the dw_femslash ficathon - I'm not sure anything I wrote would be welcome.


jinxed_wood October 4 2009, 15:42:54 UTC
I'm not sure anything I wrote would be welcome.

From what I remember, your problems with last year's ficathon had more to do with a series of unfortunate events! You can't do much to prevent the first incident (the other writer pulling out) but as long as your fic is a one off, rather than sequel, you can avoid the second problem handily.

Ah, go on!


persiflage_1 October 4 2009, 15:48:51 UTC
I didn't have a problem with last year's dw_femslash ficathon. I *did* have a problem with this year's tardis_gen ficathon, though.

Last time I checked no one had signed up whom I know to be a regular reader of my fics, hence my feeling that I wouldn't be welcome. And to be honest, I'm fed up with writing fic and then having the recipient totally ignore it. I mean, yeah, I write for myself primarily even if I'm writing someone's prompt, but if I am writing someone else's prompt, I appreciate some sort of feedback from them - even if it's only an acknowledgement that I've posted it!


jinxed_wood October 4 2009, 16:21:18 UTC
Last time I checked no one had signed up whom I know to be a regular reader of my fics, hence my feeling that I wouldn't be welcome. And to be honest, I'm fed up with writing fic and then having the recipient totally ignore it.

I don't know what to say to that, to be honest. On the one hand, I think it was rather shabby of the recipient to not leave a comment; on the other hand, maybe this ficathon is an opportunity to write for a readership that you don't normally write for.

The hlh_shortcuts ficathon kind of fills the latter box for me. I even wrote a m/m slash story for it once and, even though I got on a few readers goat as a result, I ultimately found it a rewarding experience.

Having said that, I have a brass neck when it omes to this sort of thing, and if you don't think you'll find the experience fun, then you shouldn't put yourself through that - but if you do, keep in mind that I'm signing up too, and we can hold each other's hands :-)


persiflage_1 October 4 2009, 16:27:49 UTC
Well I've still got a few days before I need to make a final decision since the closing date for sign-ups isn't until Friday. I keep checking back to see who's signed up and what they've asked for - and lots of people have said Martha and other characters I'd be happy to write femslash for.

And I admit, I'm tempted to do it so I can ask for Martha/SJS since 99% of the existing M/SJS fics that I know of are written by me (the other one being a sizeofthatthing ficlet someone wrote to my prompt and actually posted *on* my birthday, without even knowing it was my prompt, or my birthday until I responded!


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