Mowing through all the new Trek fic like it was going out of fashion

May 21, 2009 08:38

Which isn't likely to happen anytime soon!

Actually, I'm more than a bit spoiled, at the moment, as not only is the genfic pretty awesome, but my favourite pairing is also getting some excellent representation (Uhura/Spock, a totally illogical OTP!). There are few OOC Mills & Boon type stories beginning to surface but, thankfully, they're still a minority.

Here are a few stories that A) I really liked and B) I actually remembered to add to my memories! (This latter part is very important!)

nomadicwriter's Uhura, listening. (Gen -Uhura) written as a prompt for the Star Trek Reboot Drabble Challenge, this wee ficlet is about Uhura's love for language - wonderful stuff!

stoplookingup's Three Times Uhura Said No, Two Times Uhura Said Yes, And Once When She Didn’t Get the Chance (PG13 - Uhura/Spock, Kirk, Gaila) I just love stoplookingup's vision of Uhura's character, and this ficlet, using the five things format, perfectly demonstrates why.

loneraven's (PG13) Formal Dance in the Bowling Alley (PG13 Gen) - Chances are you've already read this wonderful trip through Kirk's mind as he tries to figure out his crew, but if you've been hiding under the proverbial fandom rock, here's a link :-P

tokenblkgirl's fic, Nyota (PG) is a short and fluffy Uhura/Spock fic, that made my shippy heart smile :-P

vampychic wrote Earth Kids Are Assholes (PG -Gen) A cute and short AU story, in which Spock and Kirk first meet as kids.

And because all my other choices have been very PG and vanilla, up until now, here is link to svilleficrecs's Observe (N17) In which Kirks tries to wrap his head around Uhura and Spock's *cough* relationship, and lets his voyeuristic imagination get away from him - not work safe! (Uhura/Spock, slight Kirk/Spock)

fanfiction, recs, star trek

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