
Feb 19, 2009 19:10

Whoo Hoo! My story, Planar Flight, has just been reviewed at cot_reviews, and it's all nice and shiny, and totally unexpected because I didn't think they were covering the Martha categories! [Clutches shiny review!]

ETA: And a new review comm for the awards - cot_after_dark, for the nominated PWP stories! (Uh, needless to say, this comm would not be worksafe :-P)

awards, doctor who, review

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jinxed_wood February 19 2009, 20:05:21 UTC
I didn't think they were reviewing any at all!

Personally, I don't have a problem with a comm saying: Well, actually, I only like to read tweedledum/tweeedledum fic,so that's all I'm going to review

What I dislike are certain elements (not on cot_reviews and cot_tossed. who say: Well yeah, this comm/award will cover all for Doctor Who fic... except for those forty years of Who, before the nine came along - after all, the old series and the BFA's aren't really Doctor Who, are they?

And I go: Ho hum...then why are you calling Nine and Ten, Nine and Ten? May it have something to do with all the Doctors that went before them?

If you're running an award for Doctor Who, then you have to acknowledge that it's bigger than your own tiny corner -it's forty years of fandom, and it's not going to go away - anymore than all those pesky Spock/Kirk fans went away when Star Trek: the Next Generation came onto the scene!

And I think that the Teaspoon should be the ones running an award for DW fanfic. I know they would be reluctant to do it, because it'd be an awful lot of work for very little thanks, but sometimes the reluctant ones are the best for the job - I'd envisage a yearly award, something along the lines of the Crossover Awards at Twisting The Hellmouth!

[Gets off soapbox!]

And I totally don't know where that came from - I think it's been brewing inside me for a while!


persiflage_1 February 19 2009, 20:11:14 UTC
Oh I couldn't agree more! I saw a dust up about that regarding some DW fanvid awards recently.

I hear that CoT are actually thinking of ditching Classic Who next round - which I can't understand at all... If the current organisers know nothing about it, why not let people who DO know and appreciate it get involved in dealing with that side of things?


jinxed_wood February 19 2009, 20:25:03 UTC
Oh I couldn't agree more! I saw a dust up about that regarding some DW fanvid awards recently.

Yes, I remember that, and I remember my first thought at the time was: Huh? Is that some kind of joke? Surely that can't be serious?"

But they were being serious! It's bloody hilarious! As for the CoT Awards, I'm torn between feeling sorry for the organiser, and banging my head against a very hard desk!

At the moment, she's listening far to much to the cliques, and not taking a step back to look at the big picture. It's a HUGE fandom, and all the many different corners have a very loyal following (and you get people like me who love all the eras, and mediums, and get very pouty when someone comes along and tries to take their Eight away :-P)

Although she's getting a lot of flack at the moment, I think if she sticks to her guns and holds onto her current categories (with maybe a wee bit of clarification) and instead figures out a cleaner way of nominating fic, she'd have a much smoother run next time, without having to ostracize a section of the fandom (which, as we know, is a very precarious thing to do in the Who fandom!)


persiflage_1 February 19 2009, 20:31:17 UTC
Yes, I remember that, and I remember my first thought at the time was: Huh? Is that some kind of joke? Surely that can't be serious?"

But they were being serious! It's bloody hilarious!

Yes, they were serious - annoyingly...

I must confess I've not really looked at the CoT LJ to see the discussions - I'm just going by comments people have made to me in passing. I think the organiser just needs to get more people involved from the different corners of fandom so that she doesn't feel overwhelmed by it all. As you say, the fandom is huge, so it's insane to try to do it alone, or with just a handful of fellow New Who/TW fans.


kerravonsen February 19 2009, 20:34:04 UTC
Yeah, I reckon she's feeling overwhelmed, and the flak she's getting is making her feel even more overwhelmed, and she hasn't reacted in the most diplomatic way...


persiflage_1 February 19 2009, 20:35:54 UTC
Oh dear!


kerravonsen February 19 2009, 20:32:20 UTC
She has actually been working hard at trying to improve the categories for Classic Who for the next round - doing it by Doctor-Era - so I do think they're going in the right direction.

and instead figures out a cleaner way of nominating fic
What exactly do you mean by a "cleaner" way? Less confusing? More checks?


jinxed_wood February 19 2009, 20:48:10 UTC
I'd get rid of the self nominating option, for one thing, and I'd probably put a limit on the amount of fics a person would nominate per section (and by that, I mean New Who/Classic Who/Torchwwood/SJA!) Three seems a good number. It would mean people would put more thought into what they nominate, rather than nominate the first thing that caught their eye in their favourites file!

I'd also get rid of the 'vote for all or nothing' scenario when you're voting. I, for one, would be completely lost in the Doctor/Master and Doctor/Rose categories, and I wouldn't be able to give an informed opinion or vote. I think a lot of people would be in my situation, and this might distort the voting results as a lot of people would be playing Eeenie meanie, miny, moe with the categories they're not familiar with, in order to vote in the categories they do know!


fourzoas February 20 2009, 00:15:50 UTC
Just a little note--if I'm not mistaken (I haven't voted yet--still reading), you don't have to vote for each category. There's an option to not vote for a particular category if you don't want to.


jinxed_wood February 20 2009, 01:07:58 UTC
Ah, I heard differently!

Looking at the voting form, it's hard to tell either way (maybe that can be clarified in the next round?) The fics are listed in a drop down format, and I presume that if one doesn't wish to vote in a certain category, one leaves the drop down boxes sit at the double dashes one sees when one opens the page? There is no actual 'Not Voting' option spelled out.

Personally, I wouldn't want to vote in the categories that I've been nominated in!


fourzoas February 20 2009, 01:11:09 UTC
Ah--like I said, I haven't voted yet, so I hadn't really paid much attention to the new form. Yes, the double dash is the No Vote option, but I'll suggest to the mod that she actually put in "No Vote" or something more explicit next round.

And I understand about not wanting to vote in the cat your nominated in

ETA: just to be clear--originally, there wasn't a no vote option at all--if you didn't select something in a category, the vote just defaulted to the first on the list. That seemed to get changed pretty quickly after voting opened when the mod heard that people didn't want to have to vote in all categories.


jinxed_wood February 20 2009, 01:34:07 UTC
All becomes clear! (And I can now go and vote with a clear conscience!)


fourzoas February 19 2009, 21:54:49 UTC
Actually, they're not ditching Classic Who--I'm the mod for Classic Who next round, and they've added a category for each era, so I'm hoping that we'll get more nominations.


persiflage_1 February 19 2009, 21:57:28 UTC
Well good.


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