Oh, shiny!

Dec 19, 2008 22:04

It's an MP4/MP3 player, its a camera/videocam, it's the internet, it's my new 3G phone! I've just bought myself the shiniest toy ever. Seriously, I'm watching the Maginificent 7 on my phone :-)

And edited to add other shiny stuff!

Remember that post I made about Ben Templesmith's Ten and Martha character sketches back in November, and how he was going to be working on a new Doctor/Martha comic story? Well, now I've just seen an article that says it's an IDW comic and it's Leah Moore and John Reppion doing the storyline! Hee! The article is slightly spoilerific, but the pic under the cut just about slides in under the post:-P

Click for larger image!

martha, doctor who, martha/ten, silly stuff

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