Words from the heart

Aug 26, 2009 21:23

Was watching this really cheesy YouTube of Tiffany from SNSD singing 'live'.

'....faith is all we need, it was love that set us free...' was probably the only few words in the entire music video I really understood. Also, didn't someone else sing this song first?

Anyway, that line struck a chord in my heart. In line with what we spoke about earlier this morning, it will be difficult to be fully platonic. Memories will forever be etched in our minds, and the emotions and feelings invested into the relationship, I would be a liar, and a lousy one if I told you that I can just compartmentalise all of it and throw it away.

I don't know if you actually got my emotional mumbo jumbo message on msn this morning. I kept getting the prompt that an unexpected error occured while transmitting the message. I don't know if you got it. And I figured you didn't want to reply to it either.

Anyhoo, here it is. I want to be very very honest with you. God brought you into my life for a reason. And me; into yours. I would love to know God's plan for the both of us. Would we be best friends? Would we only stay as friends? Would we be girlfriend and boyfriend again? Husband and wife?

The last 2 weeks of my life, to say that I saw everything clearly would be an understatement. I guess it was a good thing the both of us took a break. As the Chinese saying goes 退一步,海阔天空. I spent so much time alone, praying to Him asking Him for strength, wisdom, discernment, and guidance. I have emerged a better person, amazingly after only 14 days, such is the greatness of God. I took time off to strengthen my resolve, rework my priorities, and pretty much rewire my brain.

Will it be unrequited or would it be returned?I don't know either. My heart desires for you to come back though. However, that is not important. If you do find someone else to spend the rest of your life with, I will be incredibly happy for you. . I only want the best for you, and I want you to be happy.

Above all, I love you. Because it is who I am.


via ljapp

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