
Mar 24, 2009 11:15

Just finished reading a Sempai rant, promptly recieved a Mother call, now feel the need to blog.

You know what drives me crazy? What drives me crazy is getting a Bachelor of Arts in English writing, taking an entire class titled Professional practices that directs how to self-promote one's artistic self, running an artist's resume through all these classes and getting back a "good job" on all of them... and then getting told by my mother that it's not good enough.
What. The fuck.
Mom, excuse me. You may be a spanish and Psychology major from way back in the day. And yes, you taught computer science and MS DOS for X amount of years at clark college. And wowwww, you worked at a doctor's office as a secretary, AND a pet's insurance office making spreadsheets. You may even have written grants for a native american church supported school.
That doesn't give you any experiance whatsoever on what goes on an artist's resume.
An artist's resume, please some one correct me if I'm wrong and I wasn't paying attention in that ENTIRE CLASS STRUCTURED AROUND BUILDING JUST THAT, is, as far as I know, a way to present one's experiance in ART.
NOT in how many fast food joints you've worked.
Not to provide phone numbers for the ex-boss that probably doesn't even remember you from when you worked at that one movie theatre, like, years ago.
No. No no no no no.
Let me backtrack a minute.

I am a senior in college.
I have less than 2 weeks before my final project, which I've been working on for a year, goes up in the art gallery.
I have. A lot. To do.
A couple weeks ago I recieve a call from mom. "One of my friends might know a guy who knows a guy who works at this one place that might need some artists. Could you and Andy make up a website with all your best artwork on it, and a resume, and put it up? This weekend?"
Yeah. Sure. Whatever mom.
I mean don't get me wrong. A job's a job, and it'd be great if this pans out. But me? 0. Pessimism/realism? 1.
So I sent my brother a batch of images, and my updated resume. He, being the wonderful speciman of sibling love that he is, took time out of his OWN midterms, to patch together a website for me. He's amazing.
The end right?

I just got a call from Mom, telling me that the resume's not good enough, and that she had Andy take the website down so she could fix it.
Insert scathing denial from me [ here ]
When I asked her what, precisely, she wanted me to add or change, she got defensive and pissy, and said well I don't have it right in front of me!
We then proceeded to hang up on each other.

Here is what was on my resume:
(experiance) A list of the places I've done art for, what I did, and the dates I did them. This included gallery shows, contests and paid work to do window paintings, scholarships won, etc.
It included my artist statement.
It included my degrees, where and when I graduated. (education)
It also included my skills specific to artistic fields (such as adobe photoshop, illustrator, painting, ceramics, basic design layout, etc.)

It did not include the past three fast food jobs I worked at.
It didn't include how many words per minute I can type.


what the hell does she want from me???? I have a list a mile and a half long of things I need to get done in the next week and a half, I don't have time to explain why this is a good resume. Why my professors think this is a good resume. Why my career counselor thinks this is a good resume.



Gahh. I need to go to class now. Have wasted too much time venting. >: [

mothers, venting, real life

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