short fanfic for honeydew syndrome, very silly

Feb 13, 2008 00:02

Title: A Melongenidae crush

Rating: PG

Fandom: Honeydew Syndrome

Characters: Charles/Whelk

Summary: short short on the romance between Charles and Whelk

Disclaimer: I do not own said characters or series, credit goes entirely to the lovely and talented Nuu and Cloverx

Resting in my clean little Petri dish in Oceanography, I spotted him among others right away. How could I not fall in love? How could I not long to be near him?

That pale blonde hair, falling so fetchingly over one eye. That acerbic wit, those sparkling sarcastic eyes. I knew we were meant to be with one another.

Charles was the salt to my sea. The moon to my tides. The sweet warm homesands of my birth. I quivered in my calcium carbonate shell as he approached, wishing for once for a pretty shell of pink and green and violet, instead of the sensible tan and brown and white streaks I sported.

“Hello Whelk.” He murmured to me, mounting the stool by the counter and peering down at me. I blobbed at him enticingly. “Today we’re observing you in your natural habitat hmm? How incredibly stimulating.” I knew he was being snarky, but I couldn’t help but blush a becoming orange shade. He was talking to me! True I couldn’t talk back, but surely the language of love transcended all barriers, yes?

Scooping up my little Petri dish, Charles carried me gently over to a warm tank of water, tipping me in and crouching beside it to watch me sink gradually to the bottom. I did what Whelks do best… I scavenged. Being a carnivore, I showed Charles how I used the strong muscular part of my body to hold prey down as I devoured them. His face was distorted through the glass, but his attention was one hundred percent on me. How glorious! I preened. I bobbed. I floated to the top of the tank, into his waiting hand.

Charles plucked me from the water and held me before his face, examining my shell, my proboscis, my straining vulnerable flesh, tenderly clinging to his thumb.

“You’re a feisty little Melongenidae aren’t you?” He eyed me consideringly, and I could tell he was intrigued by the force with which I sucked at his fingers. “You suck like a mouth. Don’t eat my hand, okay?” I obligingly softened the force of my suction. Of course I would never hurt my beloved. I ogled him, trying to cuddle into the warmth of his hand. Oh Charles, Charles, Charles. I could feel myself expanding in my shell, under the gaze of the object of my affections. I wanted to break free, and show him how I could protect him from the predators of the world, the boys who teased and shot him dubious glances. I could tell that beneath that devil-may-care attitude, that truly he was a sensitive soul.

“I like you Whelk.”

I like you too Charles!

“You don’t talk back to me. You acknowledge that I am superior, and know all.”

I quivered in complete and utter agreement.

“You live in a small little world Whelk.”

You’re all the world I need, Charles.

“I don’t have to constantly look out for you. Make sure you don’t get in trouble with certain Jocks. You can take care of yourself, in your little marine world.”

No you don’t have to take care of me. I’ll be big and brave and strong for you Charles. You can come live in my shell with me.

“You’re not so popular I have to fight a horde of scene kids to even talk to you. Not that I would talk to him… like we even have anything in common, other than May…”

Okay… you lost me Charles. I don’t know what you’re talking about. But that’s alright my love, keep talking, I don’t mind listening. I suction gently at his palm. His faraway gaze focuses and sharpens on me, and I preen. I preen better than any Marine Gastropod Mollusk has ever preened. Charles smiles at me. I melt into a tiny little pile of saltwater flavored goo on his hand.

“I imagine kissing him would be like being sucked by your little muscles Whelk.” His tone is mocking, but I don’t care. “Would you like to kiss me?”

I love you Charles.

charles x welks, silly, writing, honeydew syndrome, funny, fanfic

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