The claiming season is upon us! Writers, are you ready? It's time to choose your favorite prompts to write to life! The same claiming rules for last year's Jinsonology will hold for this year with a few modifications. For those who are new, claiming simply means ranking three of your favorite prompts from the list of submitted prompts below and sending this list to us via
Make sure you read the rules below on how to claim prompts and for the fic fest in general [here] before you sign up!
Prompts List info and rules for filling prompts
Prompt filling will begin on October 4th. Please choose your prompts to write before October 31st, at 12AM Pago Pago time.
Here is a reference to help you keep track of time.
Remember, ANYONE can sign up to write! You do not need to have submitted prompts!
1. As it is a Jackson/Jinyoung fic fest, please keep your fic centered around the Jackson/Jinyoung pairing! You may include other side pairings, but a majority of the fic should be Jackson/Jinyoung
2. The minimum word count is 1,000
3. Please don't discuss your fic with others in the fic fest. Keep it a secret until reveals!
4. The prompts list is located in the google doc spreadsheet (the link above) and will be periodically updated (approx. 3-4 times a day) as prompts are claimed.
5. Fills will be considered on a first come, first serve basis. Therefore, we require everyone signing up to send in their top three prompts in case your top choice is already claimed.
6. Fill out the following form and submit it via email to! As on the form - the 1st choice is the prompt you really want to write. The 2nd choice is for if your 1st choice has already been claimed! You will probably end up with your 1st or 2nd choice, but we would like your 3rd choice as well, just in case.
Livejournal username:
1st Choice:
2nd Choice:
3rd Choice:
7. Once you send us an email with your top prompts, we will respond with your highest ranked unclaimed prompt at the time. This will be your cue to begin writing away with all your jinson fervor!
*If you don't have a livejournal account, it's okay! Tell us your twitter handle or some other way to credit you that links back to who you are, as we will be posting the final fics on this livejournal with links to the authors.
*Make sure you're giving us an email that you check often because this is how we'll be contacting you from now on, whether it's sending you your prompt or deadline reminders.
*As always, please feel free to comment on this post or email us with any questions or concerns you may have and we will try to be quick to respond!
important dates:
Prompting begins: September 19, 2016
Prompting ends: October 3, 2016 (11:59PM Pago Pago time)
Prompt claiming begins: October 4, 2016 (3PM Pago Pago time)
Prompt claiming ends: October 31, 2016
1st Check in: (500 words minimum) November 7, 2016
Deadline: (minimum of 1000 words) December 20, 2016
Posting: January 4, 2017
Masterpost of reveals: January 13, 2017
Also make sure you're looking at the PROMPT number and NOT the row number of the prompt on the excel spreadsheet! If you think you accidentally sent in the row number, go ahead and re-comment your corrected prompt chocies!
✭Happy Claming!✭