(no subject)

Apr 29, 2005 20:27

Physical Appearance

Height:: probably around 5'6 or 5'7

Hair color:: dirty blonde

Eye color:: blue/green depends on mood, and if im pissed a mix of the two with yellowish dots


Movie:: Kung Fu Hustle

Type of movie:: ones that I like

Book:: Any of the Forgotten Realms books

Type of book:: Medieval Fantasy

author:: Tokien

Type of music:: rock, alternative, others

Color:: Dark colors

Animal:: Dragon

Car:: Honda Prelude or Toyota Supra

Element (Earth, Air, Fire, Water):: Water

Actor:: Hmm, somebody

Actress:: Hmm, somebody

TV show:: Naruto

Cartoon:: Naruto


Are you dating someone right now?: No

If yes, who?: ....

If no, who do you wish you were dating?: Talia

How many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had?: wow... does using girls count?

Do you regret any of them?: yah

Do you have a crush?: yes

If yes, who?: Talia

Do you think they like you back?: I would love to truly know


Who is your best friend?: Talia, Tyler, Josh, Jeff, Justin kinda, dont see each other much

Who are your close friends?: Mongoose, Justin

Who do you tell your secrets to?: Depends

Who do you wish you were friends with?: myself

Who do you wish you weren't friends with?: some ppl

Which friend do you see the most? Hmm, Jeff and Justin, considering that when I go to Brandons he starts acting like a douche for no reason

Which friend do you not see enough?: Talia

Who do you miss?: Tyler


Do you have a large family?: who knows, is 5 large?

Do you like your family?: eh

Do they ever get on your nerves?: oh god yes

Who's your favorite family member?: mom

Do you have any pets? not down here

What are their names? Sammy

Do you wish you had more pets?: I want a fucking Dragon

Your House

Do you live with your parents?: No

How many floors are in your house?: 1.

How many bedrooms are in it?: 3

How many bathrooms?: 1

Do you have a kitchen?: yes.

How many rooms total?: more than 3

Where do you spend most of your time?: My room

Your Room

What color are your walls?: flesh pink, *throws up and stares blankly at grandpa*

Your carpet?: i have no clue

What is on your dresser?: stereo and random things

Do you have stuffed animals in your room?: yeah

Do you have a tv in your room?: yah

A radio?: yah

Is your computer in your room?: yep

What color are your sheets?: what the hell are sheets? lol

Your blanket/comforter?: different colors

How many blankets are on your bed?: 2

How many pillows?: 4

Do you have bunkbeds?: nope

Do you have...

A computer?: yes.

A gaming system?: no, jeff broke it

Over 100 cds? O_o

Over 100 games for your gaming system?: hell no

recliner?: no

Your own car?: yeah

Any hot pink article of clothing?:
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