I'm 30.
No, really. As of Nov. 23rd, last month, I am!
And still getting carded, so I guess that's all right.
Also on workman's compensation, holding a meh retail job with a lease about to run out and not entirely sure where to go from there. So, that's not quite as good. But anyways. I've got some photos to share, from NYC Comic Con, and a couple from a volunteer modeling set I did. (A friend needed shots to build her portfolio and I enjoy dressing up and putting on funky make-up and poses. It's sorta part of that whole 'cosplayer' bit.)
Comic Con:
Black Widow, Iron Man II version (as I didn't want to bother with a wig or cut my hair). Costume was done on a whim after a friend gave it to me. She had bought it for cheap at Party City as it was ripped but it didn't fit her. I sewed it up, added the belts and bits, and went with it.
I'm in the middle as Wonder Woman; my friends as movie-style Catwoman, Batgirl, and Poison Ivy. Bought the costume for Halloween last year at Frederick's, but it didn't have the best or the insignia. Added both of those and got the boots and wig separately. Didn't get much use out of it at Halloween, so I was glad I got to wear it at Comic Con.
Corset modeling:
My friend (
http://www.facebook.com/EmberseaPhotography) needed to boost her portfolio, and I needed something to pass the time while I'm out on workman's comp (I injured my back). The corset is actually from
LoriAnn Costume Designs and is now featured on their banner on their facebook site. So, my friend Sam was able to get advertisement that way too!
(Seriously though? Check her out. She does amazing work. Sam that is, though LoriAnn does too.)
Other (also with Sam):
I'm actually trying to sell the shirt I'm wearing here, which was an additional purpose in the modelling. My other friend Ebro helped us out by styling my hair and giving advice on poses and fab jewelry pieces.
The entire day was cold and wet and So. Much. Fun.
I do feel like I should mention though, I was SO wearing inserts in all of those. I really, really have no breasts.
In any case, looking for new apartments, and just generally trying to figure out where to go from here.