Worked yesterday, attended a PTA dinner, then crashed hard. Slept in late this morning AND took a nap from 4-6, recovering from last week. Going to try to get to bed early tonight too as tomorrow I'm out the door for a solid week!!
First it's off to Tak to drop off a costume for a friend and hand off a tent to another friend. Then there's a birthday dinner at 8. I'm sure they'll be partying all night but I will be leaving about 10-ish to crash again. Why? Because Monday morning, I'm meeting up with three guy friends of mine and we're heading off on a 5-day, 200 km bike trip down to Kochi!!!
I'm incredibly excited and nervous at the same time. I'm a bit worried the guys will leave me in the dust (even though they've promised not to) or that I won't be able to complete it. It's been a long time since I've done that long of a bike trip, and even that was only 50 miles. I'm all packed and I think I'm set for it. Practiced a bit over last week. Biked about 20 km one day and was tired but fine. Should be all right but still. Will just have to see how it goes! At least the place we're heading is gorgeous!
Besides practicing for that marathon, I've also been marathoning Glee. I'm now all caught up and already dying to see the next episode!
First, they are all horrible people, with the exception of Burt (Kurt's dad) and maybe Finn's mom too. They are bitchy and snippy and douche-y and they do and say awful things to each other, but then they grow and they become better than that. And then, from time to time, they regress and become an awful person again, and the process repeats. And I love that, because it's so human. That's what we do.
Characters I love: Kurt, Burt, Puck, Santana, Mike, Mercedes, Blaine, Sue
Characters that often annoy me: Rachel, Will, Finn
Yep, that's right. I find the "main" characters the most annoying and douche-y. Not that the others aren't -- hell, I adore Sue to pieces -- but the mains tend to be excused for it more often when they shouldn't be.
Couple-wise the show kills me. I loved Artie/Tina, but Artie/Brittney is lovely and ungodly cute and awesome and Mike/Tina equally so, and yet there's Santana/Brittney, and that's fantastic too. And I really loved Puck/Quinn, but ye gods is Puck/Lauren awesome! I think the only indisputable pairing I have now is Blaine and Kurt (and Burt and Carole if you count the adults).
Right now I think I'd have to say I'd like Puck to either stay with Lauren or for something to work out with him or Quinn (doubtful). (Or me! He could end up with me!) Blaine/Kurt is lovely and perfect beyond words and I will cry if that is ruined. I'd like to see Brittney stay with Artie because they are so great together, but I'd like Santana to be able to find another (female) love interest. (Me! If I don't get Puck, I can haz Santana?) Rachel should either end up back together with Finn or with Jesse when he comes back.
So, well, with Dr. Who and Glee, I now have TWO shows to spend every week just dying for the next episode. Woot?
Also? Took pictures of more doujinshi and the like to sell. Will put them up on the return from my trip!