Wrote a post in my head at school today about the Olympics,
and the sportsmanship displayed there by certain individuals,
and the lack thereof displayed by other individuals. But then I lost it, so lets have a quick Colbert moment, shall we?
Tip of the Hat: Joannie Rochette, for a wonderful and touching performance after her mother's sudden death.
Kim Yu-Na, for a fantastic, fun (and record-breaking) short program. While Asado Mao's own program was also technically perfect, Kim beat her out in sheer spunk.
Evan Lysacek, for handling criticism with grace.
The US ice hockey team AND the Canadian ice hockey team, for a fantastic game that left me thrilled that the US won, and yet hoping for a strong come-back for Canada in the finals as well.
Wag of the Finger: For certain individuals of Russian citizenship for the above lack of sportsmanship.
And a major, MAJOR wag of my finger for my BOE!
Which leads me to tonight's word: Contract
The one where I was told I would teach a two hour adult English class one a week (Wednesday night). I wouldn't be paid for this, but I would receive substitute vacation time.
The class was changed to an hour and a half about six months ago because, as I was told, I was getting more vacation time than I could use. I didn't mind because this was true -- I was happy to have the reduced weekly obligation over all that time that I didn't really need because I never do use up all of my vacation days.
However, as of tonight I was told that the BOE decided to cancel this substitute vacation time beginning in April. My contract runs until AUGUST. See problem one?
Problem 2: This was announced to me in class by the go-between. Ie. The BOE wasn't even bothering to meet with me themselves and talk to me about this but instead tried to dump it onto my students... who agree with me on the contract issue by the way.
Which leads us to issue number 3. The topic was broached this way:
Adult Student: *helping to translate* "So, as of April, the BOE is going to get rid of the extra vacation time... So, we have to talk about what we can do about the class. For example, you teaching it for free-.."
Me: "..."
Adult Student" *reluctantly, sorta fumbling the words* "For free, or maybe we could work out some kind of payment."
Me: "... ...something like that maybe."
I like my adult students. I wouldn't mind continue to teach them. But I am NOT doing a weekly class for FREE. Nor do I appreciate being made the bad guy here and demanding cash. But I will do it if I'm paid.
I might be willing to volunteer twice a month for an hour even, but I don't see that going over all that well.
Now I have to go and get some sleep. I teach preschool in the morning.