So, uh, the Naked Cowboy is
running for mayor of NYC.
France would be so happy. >D
Actually, it`s not as bizarre as it sounds. He does have a college degree in political science. And California DID elect Arnold Swartzenager as governer. Considering the mess that is Albany... Well...
Yeah. I love my state. We just have a few issues floating around. Issues like multiple-personality-disorder, and so on.
So, on the list of things that are Awesome:
-Naked Cowboy running for mayor of NYC
-my nails (picture to come later but trust me, they`re awesome)
-my daddy coming to visit me in September
-my closet filled with alcohol
Things that are Not Awesome:
-ungodly busy summer (seriously, EVERY weekend!)
-having NO idea what I`m doing for class tonight
-my students having 12 hour days during their summer vacation because of clubs (Oh, Japan...)
Meanwhile, back on the farm, I`ve got a couple bits and pieces of Hetalia fic written. Is Kayne Hudson-Jones too weird of a name for New York-tan? I`d go with Michael, but in my head Mike is Massechusetts. Van-something would be good for his last name, but Hudson is in honor of Henry Hudson, so I like it.
Then again, this is NY. His name could have been a more ordinary version, but then he changed it back in the 60s as a sign of rebelling against the establishment. >D ACTUAL REALITY - ACT UP!
Did Kobe and Osaka. Didn`t get to the Kyoto flea market because of the rain. Will try to go when my dad is here, if we can find a reasonably priced hotel that week (which is difficult because of the long vacation). MANY Hetalia doujinshi were bought, including some very cute Canada+America ones. Culling out my very favorites, but expect to see some up for sale here in another week or so.
Edit: My new
head canon of New York. >D>D