Purchased the world's most adorable t-shirt at Hot Topic:
Honestly, it looks much cuter in RL. But that's quite possibly because I think that model's frumpy-looking. Must be the goth-wannabe thing. Still, tee = LOVE! Sadly, they no longer carry the pirate boots I've been lusting after (my friend has a pair).
Also bought Howl's Moving Castle which I already had. But, see, this one I can play in my DVD player! The other I won while I was over in Japan so it's the wrong region. Region coding sucks and is stupid. It should be an installment of Things That Really Piss Me Off. In fact, consider this to be chapter one and a half of that. The dumbass who invented region coding should be locked in a booth with Anne Rice reading outloud the Gravitation Ex webtracks while smelling strongly of fish. Bastard.
Oh, and for future reference, if you're in a restuarant with two male waiters and one female, request to be seated at the female's table. SHE will actually refill your water -- and at the first request as oppossed to ignoring your other three and STILL not getting it for you!!!!