Opinions on Supernatural and Tricksters

Feb 17, 2007 13:16

Okay, so last Thursday's episode. At first I liked it and was quite amused. Then it bugged me and I was unhappy. Quite annoyed in fact. Then I was pleasantly surprised -- which is a nice turn considerind how predictable this show usually is. Maybe I should have guessed this bit but I didn't, and was quite pleased.

Okay, I LOVED that the baddie was a trickster god. And I got in a bunch of giggles at the boys' expense. Bobby telling them off was priceless!

I didn't like that defeating the trickster was so easy. I mean, Dude! GOD Anyone remember the whole Glory bit from Buffy? This is not some little ghostie, spook, or demon we're talking about. This is a fricking GOD! Demi-god yes, but still. Maybe not quite the kind of being that eats yellow-eyed demons for lunch, demi being considered but still, GOD. So a short tussle ending in a staking really pissed me off. Way too easy.

BUT! They didn't get him - HA! Thank you Kripke! I feel so much better now. Seriously, no god should be that easy to defeat. It'd be nice to see him pop up again, though I'm fine if he doesn't. I'm just glad that Kripke acknowledged that something as powerful as a god isn't going to be so simple to defeat.

Though, I am still a little bugged that the boys were so cool with going after this guy. First of all, they've never hunted a god before, based on their reactions. They should have been WAY more intimidated. *points up* Again, GOD. But also, this wasn't really an evil being. As was pointed out, it was only malicious to those who deserved it. I can't help feeling there should have been more debate over whether or not it was right to kill it, from Sam at the very least. Dean's always been prejudiced against non-human entities, be they good or bad, but Sam tends to be a little more fair: defending murdering-telekenetic, non-human-killing vampires, etc. But here it was like, "oh, god! Sure, he only kills jerks, but that's good enough for us! Lets run off with nothing more than little stakes and kill him!" *massive headdesking*

So. Kripke, thanks for having Mr. Trickster being smarter and better than that. However, you may want to beat your screenwriters with big sticks. The jokes were good, but they're making the boys stupid again. Worse than that, they're attempting to drag Bobby along for the ride!

Anyone else unhappy with Tall Tales?

Edit: My mother has returned home, thus ruining my oh-so-happy day alone. Boo.

Edit #2: Oh my GOD, this Tall Tales is bugging me so much!! AAHHHHHHHHHHH! *beats screenwriters with a big stick (tm)* Other Supernatural episodes have bugged me before, but I think this is the first one that got to me this bad. Seriously, it's making me want to bang my head repeatedly against the wall... or else join a community just so I can rant about it. And it wasn't even that it was a bad episode; it was really funny in the first half. But those details under the cut have completly ruined it for me~! Ugh. It's completly pissing me off!!

Okay, that helped some. I feel a little bit better now.
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