i am bored

Mar 05, 2005 13:12

[nickname] JinTADA, jinny poo, vodka, homeless vodka, jin warrior princess, asian superstar, ed
[the day I had my first breath] 12/16/88
[zodiac sign] saggitarius
[born in] Sparrow hospital
[Where] Lansing
[height]. 5’7 and a half
[righty or lefty] Righty tighty
[eye color] brown/ shit brown
[hair color] dark dark brown

right now
[the pants I’m wearing] a TWEED skirt w. pleats hehe hollister baby
[the shirt I’m wearing] a roo. pop the collar
[the shoes] barefoot
[the underwear I’m wearing] its got a red lacy fringe and heart all over it!
[the taste in ur mouth] salty i was eating tositos
[your mood] fricken bored
[R u tired] no i slpet in and i shoulda woke up to much to do
[Depressed] hmm
[Music ur listening to] wonder wall world at large


[Boyfriend/Girlfriend] no. but i do have a wife lol
[their name] katie hehe
[are you a virgin] yep
[Children] yeah sure his name is jesus lol jk
[your crush] is wonderfully cute!!
[Have you ever been in love] yes
[do u believe in love at first site] sure
[sexuality] straight
[have ever cheated] Nope. im not a cheater. well when it comes to relationships
[were u ever hurt] omg yes continuosly
[Ur greatest regret] this dirty cuban boy.
[song dat describes u now] sitting, waiting, wishing -jack johnson
[turn ons] if hes so nice and great and isnt afraid. makes me laugh
[turn offs] liars and when guys say really blunt things.
[favorite place to be touched] i duno when guys put thier arms around you sides and stuff lol i duno


[do u play any instruments] i use to
[wat r the instruments if u play any] the clairy ahah
[wat is ur favorite song] canned heat or milk and cereal
[Ur favorite bands] Theres too many
[favorite genre of music] i like it all and country hehe
[did u eva go to a concert] Yerp
[wat was the most u spent on a concert ticket] 2bucks.
[wat is the least u spent on a concet ticket] 2 bucks.
[do u buy merchandise at concerts] nope

[r u ashamed of any of the music u listen to] nope and im gunna go to the bsb concert at the 930 club
[do u take band in school] nope
[If u do, do u like band]


[favorite book] the wedding
[current book ur reading] gossip girl
[book u want to read] the five peopel ull meet in heaven
[ur life is based on which one of ur favriote books] dont have one
[did u eva right a book] like in the 3rd grade
[do u want to be a writer] yea

this or that

[pepsi or coke] coke
[Eminem or Justin Timberlake] justin
[Josh Hartnett or Orlando Bloom] Josh Hartnett
[Maroon 5 or linkin park] Maroon 5
[Mcdonald’s or Burger king] McDonalds
[thong or panties] i like em both
[briefs or boxers] Boxers
[Jordan’s or Nike] nike
[cappuccino or coffee] grrrross
[ Vanilla or chocolate] CHOCOLATE
[Rocker or rapper] Rocker
[cell phone or beeper] Cell phone
[xbox or playstation 2] x box
[baby phat or ecko red] ecko red bitches
[pen or pencil] Pen


[how long do u stay online] days
[ wat do u do online] talk
[do u go on those dating websites] nope
[do u hook up wit people on aim] what?!
[do u do research on the internet] Yes
[do u have aim] Yes!!!!


[do u have a diary] Yeah its a notebook tho
[do u have a job] yerp! i work at a lawfirm
[ r u a people pleaser] nope i like to please myself ... sry guys
[would u say u r attractive] well i dont think im ugly
[do boyz always ask u out on dates] no.....
[when u walk down the street do heads turn] i think when you walk down the street with gigantic balloon boobs and a tye dye wig and a tutu the heads might turn
[r u in the in crowd or a low life reject] i duno i have a crowd tho lol
[do lots of people hate u] prolly
[r u one of those snobby cheerleaders who think there the shit] Nope but i am the shit hehe
[when was the last time u talked on the phone] like yesterday
[who was the last person u talked to] my mom hehe
[who was the last person u hugged] katie or david(michigan)
[when was the last time u cried] almost yesterday.... and then almost right now! the bsb tickets are sold out!
[do u hate anyone] yea
[wat r u doin right now] talkin to katie and wanting to go to the mall
[do ur parents hate u or love u] Love me but i hate my madre right now and i think my dad hates me
[does ur whole family think ur a disgrace to humanity] they think im retarded hehe


[would u say u have lots of friends] yes
[name ur bestfriends] autumn leanne katie dog-o hannah kaleigh britney briely
[do u have any famous people friends] no but i know a model she sits across from me
[do u make friends over aim or on emails] yes! hes from the uk
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