Apr 20, 2009 16:15
Two weeks without internet are hell, let me tell you!! I missed LJ and I missed a lot of shows... Which makes me really mad! Anyways, let me tell you about England....
We had really good the weather when we arrived on the island. Luckily everything worked fine with the flights and all, even though i thought my head would be exploding while flying into London Heathrow... I had the worst cold and supressed most of my fever with pills and all, but still it was hell.... Anyways, it only meant that all unpleasent things like disgusting food or smells passed me since I couldn't taste or smell for an entire week. Our kids were a crazy bunch (just so you know, I was a course leader there!) and luckily we could give them to their families for the first day, then we went home with our host families. Since it was easter, we got the best you could get and my host parents were really sweet. A little crazy, but really sweet! And we had the biggest cat!
The Isle of Wight has thirteen award winning beaches and seriously?? They are beautiful! So great and they have such a pretty coast! I took a hundred pictures and loved the turquoise water! Really pretty!
I'm still glad I'm back and that I don't have to see the kids anymore...