I got hit by a Japanese meme, and I tagged some people on LJ. ^^;;
I hope no one minds if their names came up...orz
You don't have to do it if you don't want to. ^^
Basically, just list 10 of your friends and the characters they remind you of.
Everyone whose names came up are tagged.
That's it. ^^
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i'll probably end up tagging you back and say you remind me of the acexalicexjulius threesome XD
YESSSSS!! THANK YOU!! You're the first person to say that!
I love 3-people pairings. I'm such a weirdo. XDDD
I've had two people write that I remind them of Ace and one wrote Ace and Alice. I think I've been leaning towards Ace a lot more lately because Julius kind of died in Clover. ^^;;
i JUST completed executioner end...*cold sweat* O.o
at least the ED song was cool, lol.
so um did she get keeled because ace felt abandoned by her? :S i still don't get why the toys and ace want to kill her. i did skip all the common events for joker, so i might have missed something. -_-
I think the two kids feel the same way Ace did when Julius left him behind, and they're taking it out on Alice. (Except Ace is *still* picking fights with Gray. XD)
I skipped all the Joker events too. orz
I skipped almost all the text except for the random conversations where you had to pick a choice. But Joker no Kuni has no subevents and you can go back and see all the events in Recollection Mode. Except Joker's card game events, I think.
i just notice alice always seem relatively calm when she is about to be killed in all the previous dead ends O.o
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