I know there's alternatives

Aug 21, 2009 21:03

But finding them, not so easy so far.  Flylady: anyone know where I can find a free alternative that's a little less insane sexist targeted towards housewives?   I mean, let's be honest here.  Put on your shoes?  Twelve e-mail reminders a day?  Do your laundry every day? (Dude, there's one of me.  I only have two and a half loads a week.)  I absolutely believe it works great for some people, but I can tell reading on the site that I won't last three days of it.  I can barely read it for 10 minutes before I want to strangle the woman.  (Oh, and the "shine your sink" bit.  One of the worst possible places for me to start a small-bite cleaning regime would be the kitchen sink.  It was treated so badly that getting it shiny and pretty will be an all day affair, between the sealant scraping and replacing and the delimer and other nasty chemicals and seeing what I can do to minimize those scratches.  Shiny kitchen sink is not trivial and not high priority.)


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