Oh snap!

Feb 03, 2007 22:25

What's all this 'bout a doll and what not? And from wat I heard it's gonna have ta 'portray' meself. What can symobolize jolly 'ol me, eh? Ugh.. First me in..fluenza (whateva that 'Nurse Betty' called it) and now this! Siigh.. Now I gotta think of some kinda object or whatever for this project. I wonder if a fan can be a doll... Or a gooood case 'o booze (Heinkeiiin! X3), but then again Chuu might just drink up me whole project (without me o'coarse). Grumble... Lemme think.. Mmm, nope brain is still kinda rotted from the binge drinking contest I did a few moons ago (and I won! My prize!.. I woke up in a tub o' honey.. Don't ask!) Well, this bum needs ta think up somethin' or it's meh Irish ass. This might take a while.. And I think there's still some honey behind meh ears, I'm gonna go look..
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