Dec 06, 2004 20:16
Good times acting. I've found that I can't speak well, but I can die. I attribute this to my brother for immunizing myself to small amounts of pain, such as limply falling to the ground with a javelin under your arm.
Jinkins87: ive died twice at least
Jinkins87: kevin killed me with a paddle
It's a good movie. You'd rofl if you saw it. It's about Troy, but that's all I can tell you, really. In fact I'm legally bound to kill you, but don't tell Saul.
So, full weekend, you've all heard about the evergreen fiasco, so I'll let that be, minus the dinner bullshat that resulted in bad tensions between me and people, but only secretly. Sharis was pretty homo, so I'll leave that alone too.
Uh, I wonder what's been desensitizing me to things that I really should be more upset over. I'd personally like to know why I feel no emotions over things I really should be upset over. Oh well, my mentality has been messed for a good few years, so I won't dwell on that in here much longer.